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Most bats are not at all harmful, but actually helpful, as they eat destructive insects. Three of the thousands of species of bats are "vampire bats" which consume blood; they rarely attack humans, but do occasionally prey on livestock. All three species live in tropical or subtropical climates in the Americas ranging from Mexico to Argentina. Also, while very few bats are actually infected by rabies, a substantial fraction of human cases of rabies in the United States result from bat bites.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Not directly, the only way is by bats transferring disease such as rabies or chagas disease.

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12y ago

sometimes but if they did it lots off time it will be yes

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12y ago

yes, they are highly dangerous to people

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Q: Can bats kill you
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yes. they eat them.

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cheese bats are bats tht love cheese but if they are interupted when they are eating they kill u in one bite !! xxx

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People are the greatest danger to bats. Besides destroying their habitat, the fear of bats often causes people to kill them.