Only if the egg were to be incubated, such as in an artificial incubator.
no because it has to be warm to hatch:)
keep the bird well incubated in a warm correct tempreture .. theres not much you can do apart from taking care of the egg
A fertilized egg is an egg that is fertilized - in short terms, it can be incubated and a chick will hatch from it after incubation.
Only if the egg has been fertilized and incubated. There is no embryonic growth unless conditions are right.
if its fertile ans incubated yes
It takes exactly 8 weeks for a emu egg to hatch, & they should be incubated at a steady temp of 96-97 degrees. If incubated at a higher temperature, the chicks will have trouble getting out of the egg. This is because the egg shell hardens.
The egg is not a chicken unless it has been fertilized and incubated.
It depends on the species of bird that laid it, how cold for how long and how far incubated the egg is, but eggs can be left to cool for surprisingly long periods if incubated - in some species it can be days, but most it can be an hour or so. Under ideal storage conditions, fertile eggs from many species of bird will remain viable, if not incubated previously, for a month.
Nothing unless that fertilized egg is incubated either by a broody hen or by placing it into an incubator for 21 days.
No. Freezing kills the germinal disc and prevents growth after thaw. The frozen egg will also expand and crack making it impossible to incubate.