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Q: Are geese viviparous or oviparous animal?
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What is duck viviparous or oviparous?

Geese lay eggs, so are oviparous.

Is goose oviparous or viviparous?

Geese are oviparous. Oviparous means laying eggs that hatch. Viviparous means gestating offspring inside the body, like mammals, which geese do not do. Geese are birds, they lay eggs and hatch out their babies from them.

Is a goose a oviparous?

Geese are oviparous. Oviparous means laying eggs that hatch. Viviparous means gestating offspring inside the body, like mammals, which geese do not do. Geese are birds, they lay eggs and hatch out their babies from them.

Is an Arctic wolf viviparous or oviparous?

a bear is an animal that doesn't lay is an animal called viviparous.if you want to know examples of more oviparous go to

Is a kangaroo oviparous or viviparous?

Koi fish, like all fish, are oviparous because they lay eggs that develop outside of the mother's body.

Are eagles viviparous or oviparous?

They are Oviparous because they lay eggs rather than Viviparous (which is where they give birth to live young).

Is a cub oviparous or viviparous?

A cub (baby animal) is viviparous. Of an animal, viviparous means giving live birth to a young which have developed inside the body of the mother.

Is mosquito oviparous or viviparous animal?

Female and male Mosquitoes are oviparous animal because it lays 1000 eggs

Is mosquitoes oviparous animal or viviparous animals?

Female and male Mosquitoes are oviparous animal because it lays 1000 eggs

Is the duck an oviparous or viviparous animal?

oviparous: lay eggs, the 'ovi' part means egg

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