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If your pet duck came from a farm, chances are he is a domestic. If he came from the wild, he is a wild duck.

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10y ago

Some ducks are wild and usually a duck is wild i know of at most 5 non-wild ducks

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Yes, they are.

When was Wild Ducks Flying Backward created?

Wild Ducks Flying Backward was created in 2005.

How many pages does Wild Ducks Flying Backward have?

Wild Ducks Flying Backward has 255 pages.

What do you do with wild baby ducks?

You need to take them to an animal ruffuge center because it is illegal to keep wild ducks.

What is the ISBN of Wild Ducks Flying Backward?

The ISBN of Wild Ducks Flying Backward is 0-553-80451-0.

Do Ducks eat Peaches?

They don't in the wild, but you can feed peaches to domestic ducks.

Are ducks wild birds?

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Are Florida residents allowed to own ducks?

In Florida it depends what kind of duck you want to own. You are not allowed to own ducks unless you have a permit. Ducks are wild and you need a permit to own wild animals

What can you feel wild mallard ducks?

One if you have hands

Do wild chicken hawk kill ducks?

yes they do.

Is a pekin duck good for a first?

Yes and no. They are great ducks but you have to commit for life. They are not wild ducks and can not survive in the wild, so don't plan on turning them out after a year or so.