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No, birds are strictly avians. Mammals that lay eggs are considered monotremes.

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7y ago
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15y ago

Monotremes are a "group" of mammals that lay eggs. Birds are not mammals and therefore not monotremes.

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10y ago

The only two living Monotremes are:

Platypus- Native to Australia.

Echidna- Native to Australia and New Guinea.

Hope this helps :):):):):)

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6y ago

Most mammals give birth to live young, but monotremes lay eggs. They are still considered mammals because they feed the young with milk.

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Q: Are birds monotremes
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How platypus related to birds?

The platypus is not related to birds. They are monotremes. (mammals that lay eggs.)

Can you give some oviparous animals?

Birds, monotremes, most reptiles and amphibians are oviparous.

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Birds are not mammals. They are in their own category, which is "Birds". The only two egg-laying mammals are the platypus and the echidna, which are classified as monotremes.

What group such as birds and mammals do platypuses belong in?

Platypuses are mammals. Specifically, they are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

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they are birds Birds are not mammals. Apart from monotremes (parakeets are not in this group) mammals give birth to live young. Parakeets are parrots and produce eggs.

Do penguins lay eggs with hard shells?

Yes. Penguins are birds, and birds reproduce by laying eggs with hard shells. This is different from the eggs of reptiles and monotremes, which have leathery shells.

What is an egg shell of an animal?

Monotremes are egg-laying mammals, and their eggs are not hard-shelled, but leathery. The monotremes include the platypus and echidna.Reptiles also lay rubbery/leathery eggs.

Are hummingbirds mammal?

Hummingbirds are birds (Aves). A mammal is a warmblooded animal that nurses its young and ordinarily gives live birth (there are egg-laying mammals called monotremes).

Is a platypus a relative of a duck?

No. The only similarity is that they are both animals. Platypuses are mammals: they are monotremes, meaning they are egg-laying mammals. Ducks are birds.

Is a myna a mammal?

No. Mynas are not mammals - they are birds. The differences between birds and mammals are: Birds have feathers while mammals have fur, hair or skin Birds lay eggs whilst mammals (with the exception of the monotremes) bear live young Birds do not feed their young on mothers' milk like all mammals do

Why do mammals have small eggs compared to birds?

Mammals (with the exception of the Monotremes) are formed in the womb and fed by the mother through the umbilical and not dependant on the yolk sac.

The love birds is example of monotremes?

No. Lovebirds are small parrots, and members of the vertebrate group known as birds.Monotremes are members of the vertebrate group known as mammals.