Beagles have short legs so there close to the ground, strong nosed, big ears to catch sents. They have three different types of sounds, whinning, howling, and a really loud bark when they are on the trail of a small gain.
Beagles are a great dog ! This type of breed makes a great pet, they are scent hounds (hounds which hunt mostly by scent). The world is just one big smorgasbord of smells! Thus they can find prey and easily approach it from something they smelt far away. Not all necessarily hunt, depends how broken in they are, and how close they are to you but training them do to so works, its just a world with a million smells for them to discover !
Labrador retrievers are exellent hunters. Beagles, I highley recommend beagles.
well, beagles have an excellent sense of smell. Beagles used to be used in a hunting "game" called beagling. The hunters would let there beagle go and follow them on horseback while the beagle madly searches for a rabbit.
Traditionally, they were used for fox hunting. They could also be used for raccoon. The hunters could follow, on foot or on horses, by listening to the beagles baying.
Raccoon, Squirrel, Rabbit, bascially any kind of game animal.
Beagles are friendly with people, and cooperate with other animals as well.
Beagle breeding was intended to create good hunters. They are breed to find their prey with their master following behind. They have an amazing nose which can sometimes get them into trouble as they really, really want to follow the scent.
beagles hunt rabbits they are good at it they us there scent to find them and chase them
No. Beagles are hyper and active. You need to take care of it. They're hunters. So no there not good for a LAZY owner.
As natural trackers/hunters, beagles revert to wolf instinct believing they have to consume as much as possible because they don't know when the next meal is coming. Wolves commit to the same behavior in the wild.
beagles are the worlds best sniffers and from a hound family they are very good at tracking but very dangerous when there is a snake in the farm