Hearing is one of the five senses that allows us to perceive sound through the ears. Sound waves travel through the ear canal and create vibrations that are detected by the eardrum and transmitted to the brain to be processed and interpreted. The sense of hearing plays a crucial role in communication, warning of danger, and enjoying music and nature sounds.
The ear is divided into three regions: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.
When sound waves enter the ear canal, they cause the eardrum to vibrate. The vibration moves the three bones in the middle ear, called the ossicles. The ossicles are also known as the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus), and stirrup (stapes). These tiny bones transfer and amplify sound waves to the oval window, which is located behind the stirrup.
When the oval window vibrates, it moves fluid across a membrane inside the cochlea. The fluid causes the membrane to move. Specialized hair cells translate this movement into nerve impulses, which are sent to the brain through the vestibulocochlear nerve. The brain interprets the impulses as sound.
Reviewed ByReview Date: 10/05/2008
Luc Jasmin, MD, PhD, Gene Therapeutics Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles CA. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.
Acute hearing refers to having exceptionally sensitive or keen hearing capabilities. People with acute hearing are able to detect sounds at low levels or from far distances more easily than the average person.
Yes, hearing loss in older adults is most noticeable due to a gradual decline in hearing ability over time. It may become more pronounced as people experience difficulty in understanding conversations, hearing high-pitched sounds, or hearing in noisy environments. Regular hearing tests and seeking treatment can help manage age-related hearing loss effectively.
It is recommended to consider a hearing aid when your hearing loss reaches a moderate level, which is typically around 40-60 decibels. However, it is best to consult with an audiologist who can assess your hearing loss and recommend the appropriate course of action for your specific needs.
In cases of hearing loss, hair cells in the inner ear can be damaged or dead, leading to difficulties in hearing.
Yes, gentamicin can cause hearing loss in patients.
Some of the hearing disorders areConductive hearing lossSensorineural hearing lossNoise induced hearing loss
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Someone who isn't deaf is typically referred to as hearing, or as having normal hearing.
Using digital hearing aids will not cause your hearing to deteriorate. They will not restore your hearing or prevent your hearing from getting worse either. They are simply designed to enhance or aid your current level of hearing with the assistance of digital processing.
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If sensory-neural hearing loss is present, then hearing aids will be advocated.
If sensory-neural hearing loss is present, then hearing aids will be advocated.
The opposite of hearing is not hearing, or deafness, which is the inability to perceive sounds.
Hearing disorders range from a temporary, partial loss of hearing to the permanent loss of hearing known as deafness.