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No. The polar body is essentially a trash can. Excess DNA is placed there, but since it contains little cytoplasm it cannot develop into an embryo.

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No, the separation of an egg and its polar body after fertilization does not typically harm the development of the embryo. The polar body is a byproduct of egg cell division and its removal does not affect the genetic material necessary for embryo development.

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Q: Would the separation of an egg and it's polar body soon after fertilization harm the development of an embryo?
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Why do endosperm formation does not occur until fertilization take place?

Endosperm formation is triggered by fertilization because it involves the fusion of the two sperm cells with different nuclei in the embryo sac, leading to the triploid (3n) condition necessary for endosperm development. Without fertilization, the endosperm would not receive the necessary genetic contribution to develop properly and support the growing embryo.

What would happen if fertilization does not occur?

After puberty, the ovaries release one egg each month alternatively. The sperms enter through the vagina, travel upwards to the oviduct where they encounter the egg. If the egg is fertilized, a zygote is formed. The zygote repeatedly divided to form the embryo. This embryo trickles down to the uterus. On the uterine wall, the embryo gets implanted. The embryo gets nutrition form a special disc shaped tissue towards the uterine wall called the placenta. It contains villi on the embryo's side and provides nourishment and oxygen from the mother's blood. Waste substances such as carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes are taken away from the embryo. After the 9 month gestation period, the child is delivered as a result of rhythmic contractions of the uterus.

Would a 3 day embryo work?

A 3-day embryo is typically not advanced enough for use in assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Embryos are usually cultured for 5-7 days until they reach the blastocyst stage before they are transferred into the uterus for implantation.

What is the difference between fertilization and implantation?

Fertilization is the process of the sperm and egg uniting to form a zygote, while implantation is when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus to begin developing into an embryo. Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube, while implantation occurs in the uterus.

Is it possible to have an uneven split of an embryo?

Yes, it is possible for an embryo to undergo uneven splitting during the early stages of development, resulting in conjoined twins or other forms of embryonic splitting disorders. This can occur when the cells in the embryo do not divide evenly, leading to the development of twins with varying degrees of separation.

Related questions

Why do endosperm formation does not occur until fertilization take place?

Endosperm formation is triggered by fertilization because it involves the fusion of the two sperm cells with different nuclei in the embryo sac, leading to the triploid (3n) condition necessary for endosperm development. Without fertilization, the endosperm would not receive the necessary genetic contribution to develop properly and support the growing embryo.

Assume a sperm has penetrated a polar body and their nuclei fuse Why would it be unlikely for the resulting cell to develop into a healthy embryo?

The presence of a sperm penetrating a polar body suggests an abnormal fertilization event, as polar bodies typically do not contain a full set of chromosomes needed for normal development. Therefore, the resulting cell would likely have an incorrect number of chromosomes, leading to genetic abnormalities that would prevent the development of a healthy embryo.

Where is the development of embryo of an milkfish outside or inside?

maybe.. i would like to know the real answer..

Why must pollen that fertilizes flowers be from the same species?

Pollen from the same species is required for successful fertilization because the pollen grains need to contain matching genetic information to that of the female reproductive structures in the flower. This ensures compatibility and proper development of the embryo. Pollen from different species would not have the necessary genetic instructions for successful fertilization to occur.

What are the steps to pollination?

The six steps of pollination are the sporophyte plants with the flowers, the pollen lands on the stigma which goes down to the ovule, the sperm deposits into the embryo sac where the egg gets fertilized, a zygote is produces, the zygote turns into a an embryo, and then the ovule develops into a seed.

What would be the most likely effect of cigarette smoke during embryo development?

Childhood asthma

What would happen if the sperm could not get into the egg?

If the sperm cannot get into the egg, fertilization cannot occur and pregnancy will not take place. The egg needs to be fertilized by the sperm in order for the genetic material from both to combine and form a zygote, which will eventually develop into an embryo.

Why double fertilization is advantageous for plants?

A single pollen grain has 2 sperm. Double fertilization occurs when 1 of these sperm combines with the egg, and the other sperm combines with a cell (this is called endosperm) That is in order for the seed to keep being produced.Seed has to be germinated, and without the extra sperm (double fertilization) the plant couldn't germinate and would go extinct.

What would happen if fertilization does not occur?

After puberty, the ovaries release one egg each month alternatively. The sperms enter through the vagina, travel upwards to the oviduct where they encounter the egg. If the egg is fertilized, a zygote is formed. The zygote repeatedly divided to form the embryo. This embryo trickles down to the uterus. On the uterine wall, the embryo gets implanted. The embryo gets nutrition form a special disc shaped tissue towards the uterine wall called the placenta. It contains villi on the embryo's side and provides nourishment and oxygen from the mother's blood. Waste substances such as carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes are taken away from the embryo. After the 9 month gestation period, the child is delivered as a result of rhythmic contractions of the uterus.

Would a 3 day embryo work?

A 3-day embryo is typically not advanced enough for use in assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Embryos are usually cultured for 5-7 days until they reach the blastocyst stage before they are transferred into the uterus for implantation.

Why is cell diffenntiation important for embryo development?

Differentiation is important during embryonic development as that is the timeframe for specialization. Differentiation allows for neurons, blood cells, skin and muscle cells organize into tissues, then organs, and ultimately into systems.

What is the difference between fertilization and implantation?

Fertilization is the process of the sperm and egg uniting to form a zygote, while implantation is when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus to begin developing into an embryo. Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube, while implantation occurs in the uterus.