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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

Sperm can survive for a short period of time outside the body in a dry environment, but they need moisture to stay alive and maintain their mobility. Once sperm are dried out, their chances of survival decrease significantly, and they are unlikely to remain viable for fertilization.

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How long does sperm live when it?

How long does male sperm live

How long does sperm last in a mans body?

The answer depends on a number of factors. On a dry surface sperm are dead by the time the semen has dried. In water sperm will live longer. Inside a woman's body, sperm can live for up to five days. If you have unprotected sex even a few days before your partner ovulates, there is a chance of a pregnancy.

Can a girl get pregnant if sperm falls on the undergarments of the girl?

Absolutely not. Men ejaculate 300 to 400 million sperm in 1 ejaculation. Sperm can not live for more than a day outside of the male penis (testicles) and it does not live in the vaginal area any longer than 3 days. If a sperm fell onto the undergarments of a female you would not see it, nor would it live long enough for it to get someone pregnant.

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how long can sperm live in a women's body

Can sperm live in the ocean?

Yes, sperm can live in the ocean. This is because sperm thrives in warmer temperatures such as ocean water. However, sperm typically does not live outside the body for more than 20 minutes.

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3 mil live sperms in a stream of 8 mil total are sufficient for getting pregnant?

A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.

Can sperm live 9 days in a woman?

No average life span of sperm is 4 days, sperm can live in a woman's body 6 days after intercourse

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How long will sperm live inside the female?

Sperm can live inside of a female for up to five days after intercourse.

What is the difference between sperm count and live sperm?

The count is made if you have enough sperm to fertalise a women, sperm comes out with the semen.