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NO! each person has two factors determining their blood type - one from his mother, the other from his father. they can be either A, B or nothing(0). AA is A, A0 is A, BB is B, B0 is B, 00 is O and AB is AB. your mother gives one of her factors (alleles) to you, and the father the other one. each factor has a 50% chance of being transferred. so you can really have lots of possibilities. say your father is A0 and the mother B0, you can be either A0 (=A), AB (=AB), 00 (=O), or B0 (=B).

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Not necessarily. A child can inherit blood types from both parents through a combination of their genes. The father's blood type may be the same, different, or a combination of the son's blood type.

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Q: Will the father have the same blood type as his son?
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Can a father with blood type o have a son with blood type a?

Yes, it is possible for a father with blood type O to have a son with blood type A if the father carries a gene for blood type A and passes it on to his son. Blood type is determined by specific genes inherited from both parents, so the father must carry the A gene to pass it on.

Can a man with type O blood to have a child with blood type AB woman?

Yes, a man with type O blood can have a child with a woman who has blood type AB. The child could inherit either the A or B allele from the mother and the O allele from the father, resulting in blood type A or B.

If mother has blood type A and the father has blood type O what are the possible blood type outcomes of their offspring?

The possible blood types for their offspring are A or O. The child will inherit one blood type allele from each parent, receiving a type A allele from the mother and a type O allele from the father. This can result in the child having blood type A (AO) or blood type O (OO).

If a mother is O blood type and a father is O blood type can they produce a baby with A blood type?

No, two parents with O blood type cannot produce a baby with A blood type because A blood type requires at least one parent to have the A allele. The O blood type is recessive and does not carry the A allele.

If the mother has A positive blood and the father has O positive blood Would their child have A negative blood type?

No, the child cannot have A negative blood type if one parent is A positive and the other is O positive. The child would inherit A or O blood type from the parents, and the Rh factor would be positive (since both parents are Rh positive), so the child would have either A positive or O positive blood type.

Related questions

How do you prove that im the father of my son. Is it true that if were not the same in our blood type he is not my son?

A DNA blood test will confirm whether or not you are indeed the father. Some DNA tests can be done with saliva as well, A child can have either the father's blood type, the mother's blood type, or a combination of the two. For instance, a father with type A+, along with a mother with blood type B-, can have A+. A-. B+, or B-.

Father has o- blood type son has a- does that mean they're not father and son?

No, it is still biologically possible for a father with O- blood type and a son with A- blood type to be related. The A- blood type could have been inherited from the mother or through other familial relations. Blood types are inherited from parents, but multiple genetic factors can influence blood type.

Can a father with blood type o have a son with blood type a?

Yes, it is possible for a father with blood type O to have a son with blood type A if the father carries a gene for blood type A and passes it on to his son. Blood type is determined by specific genes inherited from both parents, so the father must carry the A gene to pass it on.

What blood type will your son father have if the mother is o plus and the child is o plus?

The father's blood type can be O, A, or B.

You are A positive and your son is O positive what is your husband who is the father of your son?

The father of your son could be any blood type except AB.

What blood type would the son have if the father's blood type is 0 positive and the mother's blood type is B positiver's blood type is B positive what blood type would the son have?

If the father's blood type is O positive and the mother's blood type is B positive, a child could have type B or type O blood, and the Rh factor could be positive or negative.

You and your son have 0 plus blood type your baby dad has ab?

If you and your son both have O positive blood types, it is impossible for the baby's father to have AB blood type. The child would inherit an O blood type from you.

The mother is type is A the son is AB what could be the husband's blood type?

The father can be type B or AB.

Can A neg father and O mother have A ppositive blood type son?


How can you know if a baby is not your son if your wife and you we have the same type of blood?

You have the same type of blood, but not the same DNA. That's why it's called a DNA test.

If father is A negative and mother is AB positive what is their son blood type?

it could be a- or ab+

Can a baby be born with blood type A if his father is O and his mother is blood type A?

yes cause my son ia a- and his dad is o+ and im a_