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Wind-pollinated plants produce more pollen to increase the chances of successful pollination. Since wind disperses pollen randomly, producing more pollen increases the likelihood that some will reach a compatible female flower for fertilization. This method of pollination is a strategy to compensate for the inefficiency of wind as a pollination agent.

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Q: Why might wind-polleniated plants produce more pollen?
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Does sperm cell grows out of a pollen grain?

No, sperm cells do not grow out of a pollen grain. In plants, sperm cells are produced within the pollen grain, and they are involved in fertilization when the pollen grain reaches a female reproductive structure. Each pollen grain contains two sperm cells.

Grows from the pollen grain to the ovule?

Pollen tubes grow from the pollen grains to the ovules. Lipids on the surface of the stigma stimulate growth of the pollen tubes. Self sterile plants prevent themselves from growing seeds by not creating these lipids.

How does pollen help a plant?

Pollen helps plants to fruit. -For instance without pollination we would have very few Almonds, blueberries, strawberries, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and many others. Pollination of plants is critical to human survival.

How might pollen be carried from the anther to the female part of the flower?

Pollen can be carried from the anther to the female part of the flower through various means, including wind, insects, birds, and animals. This process, known as pollination, plays a crucial role in the reproductive cycle of plants.

In some plants the pistils don't form until a few days after the stamens do. How might this keep a plants from self-pollinating?

By delaying pistil formation, the plant ensures that it doesn't self-pollinate before being ready to receive pollen from another plant. This separation in timing reduces the chances of self-pollination and promotes genetic diversity within the plant population.

Related questions

Does sperm cell grows out of a pollen grain?

No, sperm cells do not grow out of a pollen grain. In plants, sperm cells are produced within the pollen grain, and they are involved in fertilization when the pollen grain reaches a female reproductive structure. Each pollen grain contains two sperm cells.

Why do plants usually produce so many pollens grains?

Plants produce many pollen grains to increase the chances of successful pollination. By producing a large number of pollen grains, plants increase the likelihood of pollen reaching the female reproductive structures of other plants, increasing the chances of successful fertilization and seed production.

How might having the anther atop a tall filament make it more likely that plants will be pollinated?

The wind blows the pollen away.

Why might some seeds not grow into new plants?

Because it might not have enough seed minerals to produce a brand new seed.

What might happen in a lake where plants and algae are growing?

Plants and algae can produce a slimy substance in a lake. Blue-green algae is the most dangerous type of algae for a lake to have because it can produce toxins.

In some plants the pistils don't form until a few days after the stamens do how might this plant keep a plant from self-pollinating?

For a flower to be pollinated, pollen from an anther (which is located at the top of the stamen) needs to reach a stigma (at the top of the pistle.) Some plants are genetically capable of pollinating themselves if their own pollen reaches their own stigma; some plants are not capable of self pollination under any circumstances. For plants that can genetically self pollinate, but would prefer not to, they can avoid this by having their pistil and pollen/stames mature at different times. If the stamens mature first, the pollen will be dispersed by animals or wind or whatever dispersal mechanism it relies on. Then by the time the pistil is ready to be pollinated, there is no pollen left in that flower to land on the stigma.

How might having the anther atop a tall filament make it more likely plants will be pollinated?

Having the anther atop a tall filament increases the chances of pollen being carried away by wind or by pollinators such as bees or butterflies. This positioning also reduces the likelihood of self-pollination and promotes cross-pollination, increasing genetic diversity within the plant population.

How might pollen germination and growth be controlled?

Pollen germination and growth can be controlled by manipulating environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light. Chemical treatments, such as hormones or inhibitors, can also be used to regulate pollen germination and growth. Additionally, genetic manipulation can be employed to develop transgenic plants with desired pollen germination and growth characteristics.

What is the meaning of agents of pollination?

In short, that is a reference to bees and small birds. Plants need to be pollinated so they can produce fruit/seeds. A plant contains a pistil and/or a stamen. Genetic material has to be carried from the stamens to the pistils. Sure, the wind can do some pollination or plants might pollinate themselves when they are bumped. But generally, it takes some creature to carry the pollen between plants. So that is where birds and bees come into the discussion. Bees, related insects (hornets, wasps, etc.), and small birds carry pollen between plants. This is how it must be done because a tree or other plant cannot simply get up and walk over to another plant of the same type and mate with it.

What is polinators?

Transfer of pollen grains in seed plants from the stamens, where they form, to the pistil. Pollination is required for fertilization and the production of seeds.

Which plants do not have a flower?

Some common plants that do not produce flowers are mosses, ferns, and horsetails. These plants reproduce through spores or other methods, like fiddleheads in ferns. Additionally, plants like algae and mosses do not have true roots, stems, or leaves.

Why commercial exploitation of heterosis is not feasible in wheat?

For a plant to express heterosis, it must be a hybrid, or the offspring of two separate and genetically distinct parents. Producing corn hybrids, for example, is reasonably easy, since all that must be done to produce the seed is to plant both parents throughout the field, then remove all the tassels, or pollen-producing parts, of all the designated "female" plants. By then harvesting only the "female" plants, only true hybrid seed will be the product. Wheat, though, is a very different matter, since the pollen-producing parts are on the same part of the plant with the ovaries. While physical removal of the pollen can be accomplished, it is extremely difficult, especially in any large quantity. It might be possible to produce "male-sterile" parents, such as are used in hybrid onion and carrot seed production, but the economic value of the wheat would not justify such expense.