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Krtaos was the general of the Spartan army. He was at war with the barbarians. Kratos and his men were losing the battle, so he called upon Ares, the God of War, to destroy all of his reamaing enemies.

In return, Kratos would serve Ares, and grant his every wish. Ares ordered Kratos to attack Sparta, his own home. But Kratos was blinded, and did not reconize his home. Kratos had accidently slaughtered his wife and daugter. Their ashes became attached to Kratos' skin. A reiminder to never forget that day.

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8mo ago

Kratos, the protagonist of the "God of War" video game series, is portrayed as white in the games because the developers chose to design him that way. It is important to remember that character design in Video Games is a creative choice made by the developers and does not necessarily reflect real-world Demographics.

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