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If they do not evolve, they may eventually die out.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Organisms need to evolve in order to adapt to changes in their environment and improve their chances of survival and reproduction. Evolution allows organisms to develop beneficial traits that help them better compete with other species and overcome challenges in their surroundings. It is a natural process that enables species to gradually change over time in response to evolving conditions.

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Q: Why is it necessary for organisms to evolve?
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Is necessary for the process of speciation?

Speciation is the process by which new species evolve from existing species. It is necessary for creating and maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems. Without speciation, organisms would not be able to adapt to changing environments and ultimately survive.

A group of organisms that changes over time is said to?

This describes the process of evolution. When organisms evolve, they change over time in a way adaptive to their current environment.

What events occured that allowed single celled organisms to evolve into more complex organisms at the end of the precambrian time?

During the end of the Precambrian time, several key events occurred that set the stage for the evolution of more complex organisms: the development of oxygen-producing photosynthesis by early cyanobacteria, the formation of multicellular colonies, the evolution of eukaryotic cells, and the emergence of sexual reproduction. These processes provided the necessary biological diversity and complexity for more advanced life forms to evolve during the Cambrian explosion.

What was the primary factor missing for billions of years that was necessary for protists to evolve?

The primary factor missing for billions of years was the presence of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. The evolution of protists and other complex life forms was made possible by the emergence of photosynthetic organisms like cyanobacteria, which produced oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This oxygenation of the atmosphere allowed for the development of aerobic respiration in organisms, enabling more complex metabolic processes to evolve.

Type of evolution by which organisms evolve differences when they are isolated in different environments?

This is known as divergent evolution. It occurs when related organisms evolve distinct adaptations in response to different environmental pressures, leading them to become increasingly dissimilar over time.

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How many organism's might evolve?

all of the organisms can evolve.

Do organisms decide to evolve?


Is necessary for the process of speciation?

Speciation is the process by which new species evolve from existing species. It is necessary for creating and maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems. Without speciation, organisms would not be able to adapt to changing environments and ultimately survive.

What process in Darwin book say what organisms evolve through?

Darwin said that organisms evolve through the process of natural selection.

Will cats continue to evolve?

Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. So, cats will continue to evolve. Organisms evolve, or go extinct. Speciation is another thing.

What organisms did humans start to evolve from?


Why is water necessary for organisms?

The water moistens the organisms.

What is the general rule about the complexity of organisms as they evolve?

The general rule about the complexity of organisms as they evolves is that it increases over time. Organisms start out very basic but can become very complex as they evolve over many generations.

Do organisms evolve slowly over time and can two different organisms have a common ancestor?

Yes they evolve slowly over time and a panda and raccoon have common ancestors.

A group of organisms that changes over time is said to?

This describes the process of evolution. When organisms evolve, they change over time in a way adaptive to their current environment.

When did the biosphere begin to evolve?

The biosphere is defined as the living organisms on earth. As such, it began to evolve when the first organisms appeared. Currently, this is believed to have happened about 3.5 billion years ago.

What events occured that allowed single celled organisms to evolve into more complex organisms at the end of the precambrian time?

During the end of the Precambrian time, several key events occurred that set the stage for the evolution of more complex organisms: the development of oxygen-producing photosynthesis by early cyanobacteria, the formation of multicellular colonies, the evolution of eukaryotic cells, and the emergence of sexual reproduction. These processes provided the necessary biological diversity and complexity for more advanced life forms to evolve during the Cambrian explosion.