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A microscope is useful in determining the actual size of a specimen because it magnifies the image, allowing for detailed observation of the structure and dimensions of the specimen. By comparing the magnified image to a calibrated scale, scientists can accurately measure the size of the specimen.

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Q: Why is a microscope useful in determining the actual size of a specimen?
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What happen under low power in the microscope?

Under low power in a microscope, you will see a larger area of the slide but with less detail. This is because the lenses are not magnifying the image as much as under higher magnification. Low power is useful for locating objects on the slide and getting an overall view of the specimen.

What is low power objective in a microscope?

A low power objective in a microscope is a lens with a lower magnification typically ranging from 4x to 10x. It allows you to observe a larger area of the specimen at once with less detail than higher power objectives. Low power objectives are useful for locating and positioning the specimen before using higher magnification objectives.

What microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images from nonliving cells?

An electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce high-resolution images of nonliving cells. This type of microscope is particularly useful for studying the fine details of cell structures that cannot be seen with a light microscope.

What is the maximum useful magnification of a compound light microscope?

The maximum useful magnification of a compound light microscope is typically around 1000x. Beyond this point, image quality decreases due to limitations in the lens quality, resolution power, and diffraction of light.

Which microscope is most useful for visualizing a biofilm?

A confocal laser scanning microscope is most useful for visualizing biofilms because it provides detailed three-dimensional images of the biofilm structure. Its ability to create optical sections at different depths within the biofilm allows for a better understanding of its architecture and spatial distribution of cells.

Related questions

What is a microscope that uses a beam of electrons to examine a specimen?

A transmission electron microscope (TEM) uses a beam of electrons to pass through a thin specimen to produce a high-resolution image. This type of microscope can achieve magnifications greater than what is possible with a light microscope, making it useful for studying the ultrastructure of cells and materials at the nanoscale.

What are the common functions of computer microscopes?

A computer microscope can be used on almost any object and requires no preparation of the specimen. It is useful because the images are projected on the computer. The magnification is restricted on a computer microscope.

What can you infer about the function of the diaphragm of microscope?

The diaphragm on a microscope controls the amount of light that passes through the specimen, helping to improve contrast and clarity in the image. By adjusting the diaphragm opening, you can regulate the amount of light reaching the specimen, which is particularly useful when viewing transparent or translucent samples.

What condition would you adjust the diaphragm of a microscope?

You would adjust the diaphragm of a microscope to control the amount of light entering the lens system. This is particularly useful when trying to enhance contrast or reduce glare in the specimen being viewed.

Light intensity switch in a microscope?

A light intensity switch in a microscope controls the brightness of the light source used to illuminate the specimen. By adjusting the intensity of the light, users can optimize the contrast and visibility of the specimen under observation. This feature is particularly useful when viewing transparent or delicate samples that require precise illumination.

What is the function of fine adjusment in microscope?

The fine adjustment knob on a microscope is used to make small, precise changes to the focus of the specimen. It allows for fine-tuning of the image clarity by moving the objective lens slightly up or down. This is especially useful when trying to bring very small details into focus.

What is the function of the codenser lens in the compound light microscope?

The condenser lens in a compound light microscope focuses and directs light onto the specimen being viewed. It helps to illuminate the specimen evenly and brightly, increasing contrast and clarity in the image.

What does the phase microscope do?

A phase microscope is used to enhance the contrast of transparent or semi-transparent specimens by exploiting variations in refractive index. It allows for visualization of details that may be difficult to see with a standard brightfield microscope, making it useful for observing living cells and tissues.

Which Lab tools are useful when looking at the internal organs of an earth worm?

When examining the internal organs of an earthworm, useful lab tools include a dissecting microscope for magnification, a scalpel or dissecting scissors for precise cuts, forceps for handling tissues, and a dissecting tray to contain the specimen and prevent mess.

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What is a dark-field microscope used for?

A dark-field microscope is used to observe translucent specimens that are difficult to see with a conventional microscope. It creates contrast by illuminating the specimen from the sides, causing light to scatter and objects to appear bright against a dark background. This technique is especially useful for studying live microorganisms and subcellular structures.