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In a word, genetics.

To be a bit more in depth, everyone is different, with different facial features, skin tones, hair lengths and thicknesses and other features. Our physical appearance is a result of the way that the chemicals that make us up interact. The mix of chemicals varies from person to person and from day to day, but how they vary is determined by

a) what we put into our bodies in terms of food, environment, drugs, etc.

b) what our body does with what we give it, which is determined by genetics.

Every person has a unique genotype which controls how their body processes chemicals and what it makes from the input. My body may make more androgen then yours, and as a result I am taller. Your body may make more testosterone, and as a result you have more hair.

This is a grossly oversimplified answer, but if you want more detail look into genetics as a field of study.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

People grow at different rates and ages due to genetic factors, differences in hormone levels, and variations in nutrition and overall health. Growth spurts are also influenced by individual differences in puberty onset, which can occur earlier or later for each person. This variability results in people reaching their full height at different ages.

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How do trees grow wider and fatter?

Trees grow wider by adding new layers of wood beneath their bark each year. These layers form rings that can be seen when the trunk is cut horizontally. As the tree ages, it continues to add new growth rings, causing it to grow wider and fatter over time.

How many hours under a grow light equals outdoors?

The amount of time under a grow light needed to mimic the sun outdoors can vary based on the plant's needs. In general, 12-16 hours under a grow light can simulate a full day of sunlight for most plants. It's important to consider the specific light requirements of the plant species you are growing to determine the appropriate duration.

Is is true that bones always stay the same size?

No, bones grow and change shape throughout a person's life. During childhood and teenage years, bones grow in size and length. In adults, bones can still change over time due to factors like physical activity, nutrition, and age-related changes.

Is it possible for a human to be able to wiggle their ears one at a time and at the same time?

Yes, some humans have the ability to independently move their ears, allowing them to wiggle them one at a time and even both at the same time. This ability varies among individuals and is more common in those who have developed the necessary muscle control through practice or genetics.

If you dont get a new person each time your cells reproduce what does cell reproduction do for the body?

Cell reproduction, or cell division, is essential for growth, tissue repair, and maintenance of the body. It allows the body to replace old or damaged cells with new ones. While the genetic material (DNA) is copied and passed on to the new cells, the overall individual remains the same.

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