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Warmer and wetter biomes have better net primary productivity because warm temperatures increase the rate of photosynthesis in plants, allowing them to grow faster and produce more biomass. Additionally, higher moisture levels ensure that plants have access to an adequate water supply, which is essential for their growth and metabolism. These conditions help to support a greater abundance and diversity of plant species, leading to higher overall productivity in these biomes.

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Q: Why do warmer and wetter biomes have better net primary productivity?
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Why do warmer wetter biomes have higher net primary productivity?

Warmer, wetter biomes have higher net primary productivity because they provide favorable conditions for photosynthesis to occur at a faster rate. The warm temperatures increase the metabolic rates of plants, while the ample water supply ensures that plants can efficiently carry out photosynthesis and grow rapidly. These factors contribute to the greater production of biomass in these biomes.

Why do warmer and wetter biomes have higher net productivity?

Warmer and wetter biomes have higher net productivity because these conditions provide more sunlight, warmth, and water for photosynthesis to occur. This allows plants to grow more efficiently and produce more biomass, leading to higher net productivity in these environments.

What is the seasonal temperature in marine biome?

The temperature in marine biomes can vary depending on the location and time of year. In general, marine biomes tend to have relatively stable temperatures due to the large body of water moderating the climate. However, some areas may experience seasonal temperature changes, such as colder temperatures in the winter and warmer temperatures in the summer.

What are the main biomes of Alabama?

There are a number of biomes found in Alabama. These include temperate deciduous forest, as well as a mixed forest biome.

Why does mold grow faster at warmer temperatures?

Mold thrives in warm and humid environments because the conditions are optimal for its growth and reproduction. Warmer temperatures accelerate the metabolic processes of mold, allowing it to spread and multiply more quickly. Additionally, warmer temperatures increase the moisture content in the air, providing the mold with the water it needs to grow and colonize surfaces.

Related questions

Why do warmer wetter biomes have higher net primary productivity?

Warmer, wetter biomes have higher net primary productivity because they provide favorable conditions for photosynthesis to occur at a faster rate. The warm temperatures increase the metabolic rates of plants, while the ample water supply ensures that plants can efficiently carry out photosynthesis and grow rapidly. These factors contribute to the greater production of biomass in these biomes.

Why do warmer and wetter biomes have higher net productivity?

Warmer and wetter biomes have higher net productivity because these conditions provide more sunlight, warmth, and water for photosynthesis to occur. This allows plants to grow more efficiently and produce more biomass, leading to higher net productivity in these environments.

What are the seasons in the grssland?

There are not really seasons in some biomes, but the grassland is usually warmer all year, but in "winter" it gets cooler but doesn't usually snows.

What is the primary the south and the west have increased in population in recent years?

a preference for warmer climates.

How does the distance from the equator affect a biome?

The distance from the equator affects a biome's temperature, precipitation, and seasonality. Biomes near the equator tend to have warmer temperatures, higher precipitation, and less variability in seasons compared to biomes farther from the equator. This influences the types of plants and animals that can thrive in each biome.

What is the primary reason the South in the West have increased in population in recent years?

a preference for warmer climates.

What is the primary reason the south and west have increased in population in recent years?

a preference for warmer climates.

What are other factors that affect the NPP?

Other factors that can affect net primary productivity (NPP) include nutrient availability, temperature, water availability, sunlight, and disturbance events like fires or deforestation. Nutrient availability, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, is particularly important as they are essential for plant growth and productivity. Climate conditions also play a significant role, with warmer temperatures generally increasing NPP up to a certain point before diminishing returns set in.

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How does the temperature affect the flow of ketchup?

Warmer makes it flow better.

Do I need a tortilla warmer?

It is not necessary to have a tortilla warmer. If you really want to warm them well, than a stove will work better than a microwave.

What does elevation have to do with biomes?

Elevation affects temperature, precipitation, and therefore the types of plants and animals that can thrive in an area. As elevation increases, temperature tends to decrease and precipitation patterns may change, leading to variations in biomes such as from forests to grasslands to tundra.