Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed plants. The milkweed plant is the only food source for monarch caterpillars, so this is where the female butterflies choose to lay their eggs.
No, male sun conures do not lay eggs. Only female sun conures have the ability to lay eggs, as is the case with most bird species.
Well, honey, salmon are like the VIPs of the ecosystem. They bring nutrients from the ocean to freshwater habitats when they swim upstream to spawn, feeding all sorts of critters along the way. Plus, when they die after spawning, their bodies provide essential nutrients for plants and animals in the ecosystem. So, in a nutshell, salmon are like the gourmet meal delivery service of the natural world.
Taipans reproduce sexually, with the male inserting his hemipenes into the female's cloaca to fertilize her eggs. The female then lays a clutch of eggs, which she incubates until they hatch.
Female moths lay a large number of eggs to increase the chances of their offspring surviving. Many eggs may not survive due to predation, disease, or unfavorable environmental conditions. By laying a large number of eggs, female moths increase the likelihood that some will survive to adulthood and continue the species.
Fish are a kind of animal that just makes a lot of eggs
Because so many are eaten or damaged, so the more eggs the more chance of survival
Salmon lay there fish upstream so fresh water fish wont eat their eggs. Also because, salmon grow up in salt water environment.
chicken eggs are quite nice poached, so is salmon
Yes. The mother salmon lays eggs and the fish hatch. With Pacific salmon, the fish die just before the eggs hatch. With Atlantic salmon, the fish swim back to the ocean just before the eggs hatch.
they still hach in your body and thay dont tast so great
they lay eggs up-stream so that other fish cant eat there eggs.A very cool adaptation is that they can survive in both fresh and salt water, which not many other species of fish are able to do.
No. In fact, salmon are actually very common. Millions of salmon swim through North America, especially Alaska, during the mating season. Salmon can lay millions of eggs, but usually only about five survive until adulthood. Salmon swim through major rivers in the Midwest, making them about as common as trout. So salmon are not rare.
Salmon is not popular all over the world but in many countries people eat salmon. Like in North America people eat Atlantic salmon {so do i} and most people enjoy it. Many of my friends enjoy eating salmon either in Sushi {Sashimi} or grilled in an oven or cooked with its skin on. So salmon is pretty popular all over the world.
As many other fish breathe through lungs, so do salmon.
Like So Many Things--- - 2009 Eggs and Bacon 1-7 was released on: USA: 26 May 2009
I was using my salmon Boa's terrarium as an incubator for chicken eggs and found 2 missing with him working on trying to get the 3rd down. So yes they will eat eggs. He's eaten robin eggs as well