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The concept of cells giving rise to other cells as the foundation of cell theory wasn't fully accepted until the 19th century due to challenges in observing cell division process directly, limitations in technology, and resistance to new ideas. It took time for advancements in microscopy and experimental evidence to confirm the process of cell division and establish it as a core tenet of cell theory.

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Q: Why did it take over 150 years for the scientific community to accept the last point of cell theory cells give rise to other cells?
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How long after discovery did it take the scientific community to accept the existence of cells?

150 years

How long after their discovery did it take the scientific community to except the existence of cells?

It took several decades for the scientific community to fully accept the existence of cells after their discovery in the mid-17th century. Early microscopists like Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek provided crucial observations that eventually led to the widespread recognition of cells as the fundamental unit of life.

What is the scientific theory behind cell theory?

Cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of one or more cells, cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an organism, and all cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division. This theory is supported by multiple lines of evidence from observations made using microscopes and other scientific tools.

How did cell theory impact later scientific discoveries?

Cell theory laid the foundation for modern biology by proposing that all living organisms are composed of cells, that cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms, and that all cells come from pre-existing cells. This theory influenced later scientific discoveries by guiding research in cell structure, function, and interactions, leading to advancements in fields such as genetics, microbiology, and biotechnology.

How does the cell theory demonstrate the definition of theory?

The cell theory is a widely accepted scientific explanation that all living organisms are composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms, and all cells come from pre-existing cells. This theory meets the definition of a scientific theory because it is based on extensive experimental evidence and has been repeatedly tested and confirmed through research and observation.

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How long after the discovery of cells did it take the scientific Community to accept it?

150 years

How long after discovery did it take the scientific community to accept the existence of cells?

150 years

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how long after their discovery did it take the scientific community to accept the existence of cells

How long after their discovery did it take the scientific community to except the existence of cells?

It took several decades for the scientific community to fully accept the existence of cells after their discovery in the mid-17th century. Early microscopists like Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek provided crucial observations that eventually led to the widespread recognition of cells as the fundamental unit of life.

What is a summary of scientific observations and conclusion about cells?

It is the cell theory

What is the scientific theory behind cell theory?

Cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of one or more cells, cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an organism, and all cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division. This theory is supported by multiple lines of evidence from observations made using microscopes and other scientific tools.

What is the name of the scientific theory that states that all organisms are composed of cells and that all cells carry out similar functions?

The scientific theory that states that all organisms are composed of cells and that all cells carry out similar functions is called the cell theory. It is a fundamental principle in biology that describes the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.

What do scientists consider the cell theory?

Cell theory is one of many subdivisions of scientific theory. Therefore, since cell theory IS scientific theory, I don't see how you can compare them. This is like saying compare mammals to squirrels.

What scientific theory says all living things are made up of cells carry on life functions and produce new cells?

cell theory

Scientific descrpiction of all living things in terms of cells?

cell theory

Scientific descriptions of all living things in terms of cells?

cell theory

What is a scientific Theory and how is it different then a hypothesis or a scientific law?

A scientific theory is an experiment that still needs to be tested, but is believed to be true. A hypothesis is a fact and data based guess as to what the result(s) of an experiment will be. A scientific law is proven to be true and states that the results of the experiment will always be the same, and needs no further testing. An example of a scientific theory is the cell theory, which states that all living things are composed of at least one cell and that cells come from other cells.