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Because he thought is was a nice explanation to the way plants and animals had gotten slightly different shapes to fit better into different parts of the environment.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution after observing the diversity of species during his travels on the HMS Beagle. He realized that species were not fixed and unchanging, but instead evolved over time through natural selection. Darwin's theory revolutionized Biology and our understanding of the natural world.

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Q: Why did Charles Darwin develop the theory of evolution?
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On which ship did Charles Darwin develop his theory of evolution?

the beagle

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The theory of evolution by natural selection. Charles Darwin. A+

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no Charles Darwin was the first scientist to develop the theory of evolution. Einstein was a math teacher. and was first put into 'special' classes

What year did Charles Darwin develop the theory of evolution?

he published his book about his findings in 1858

Who helped develop the theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin is credited with developing the theory of evolution through natural selection. Alfred Russel Wallace independently developed a similar theory around the same time.

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Charles Darwin contributed the Theory of Evolution.

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The Galapagos Islands, particularly the finches found there, inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin's observations of the unique adaptations and variations in species on the islands helped him develop his theory of natural selection.

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Charles Darwin did

The father of the Theory of Evolution is?

Charles Darwin

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Charles Darwin