Binary system is used in microprocessors because it simplifies electronic circuitry by representing data using two voltage levels (0 and 1), which can be easily implemented using electronic switches like transistors. This simplicity allows for faster processing speeds, easier storage and manipulation of data, and efficient communication between different components in a computer system.
Microorganisms require large quantities of carbon for use in cell structure and metabolism. Carbon provides the backbone for organic molecules needed for growth and energy production.
A leg is a limb used for walking for a human.
Biotechnology is used in various industries such as agriculture, medicine, pharmaceuticals, and environmental protection. In agriculture, it is used for developing genetically modified crops. In medicine, it is used for producing vaccines, gene therapies, and diagnostic tests. In pharmaceuticals, biotechnology is used for drug development and production.
No, gumamela flowers are not typically used for blackening shoes. Shoe blackening is usually achieved with shoe polish or leather dye specifically formulated for that purpose. Gumamela flowers are more commonly used for ornamental, medicinal, or culinary purposes.
The term used for living material is "biological" or "biotic".
A number system with a base of two is a binarysystem.
230 voltage is used by the microprocessor
we are using just one ic in a microprocessor
they are used for designing projects
+5v necessary for microprocessor 8085.
The Microprocessor.
Two ground pins are used in the 8086 microprocessor to increase the bus pull-down current capacity.
HL is a register pair used to store 16 bit of data in 8085 microprocessor.
a microprocessor
well with this a microprocessor is use in any computer and or device that siamliary acts like a computer. a microprocessor is a CPU. which is like a brain to a computer or device that acts like a computer.