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Viral STDs are not necessarily more harmful than bacterial STDs. Some viral STDs, like molluscum or genital warts, are essentially harmless. Viral STDs are more inconvenient in that they can't be cured with antibiotics.

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Viral STDs tend to persist in the body for longer periods and are not easily treated with antibiotics, making them harder to eliminate. Additionally, viruses can cause long-term complications and can be more easily transmitted. Bacterial STDs, on the other hand, can usually be treated with antibiotics and do not typically cause long-term issues when treated promptly.

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Q: Why are viral STDs more harmful than bacterial STDs?
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What happends when a bacteriophage infects a bacterial cell?

When a bacteriophage infects a bacterial cell, it attaches to the surface of the cell and injects its genetic material into the cell. The phage genetic material then replicates and takes over the bacterial cell machinery to produce more phage particles. Eventually, the bacterial cell lyses (bursts) and releases new phage particles to infect other bacterial cells.

What are the strains of meningitis?

The main strains of meningitis are bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic. Bacterial meningitis is usually more severe and can be caused by bacteria like Neisseria meningitidis or Streptococcus pneumoniae. Viral meningitis is more common, typically caused by viruses like enteroviruses or herpesviruses. Fungal and parasitic meningitis are less common and usually seen in individuals with compromised immune systems.

Is a ear infection a virus or bacteria?

Both. It can be either, but is more commonly a bacteria infection.

What is a bacterial infection?

A bacterial infection is caused by harmful bacteria invading the body, leading to symptoms like fever, swelling, and pain. These infections can occur in various parts of the body and are usually treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Does the human body have more bacterial or human cells?

it has more human cells actually the human body has more bacterial cells. Although it may seem more likely that the human body would have more human cells than bacterial cells. -Vasillisa

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Is bronchitis viral or bacteria?

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What stds curable?

All bacterial STDs are curable, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. Gonorrhea is still curable, but options become more limited each year due to antibiotic resistance.Trichomoniasis, caused by a protozoa, is curable as well. Pubic lice, caused by a parasite, is curable.The viral STDs don't have cures, but some, like molluscum, are self-limited. Similarly, some patients recover completely from hepatitis B or hepatitis C as their immune system resolves the infection, but others may have chronic hepatitis after these infections. Herpes and HIV are treatable, but not curable.The viral infections (HSV, HPV, HIV, HBV) can't be cured.Sexually transmitted diseases that are contracted are not curable. They can be treated to control the symptoms.The bacterial STDs can be cured with antibiotics; chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis.

When antibiotics are not used Why are bacterial infections frequently more persistent than viral infections?

Only if it is a pie from space and it is green and yellow!

What kind of infections do antibiotics fight?

Antibiotics fight bacterial infections, antibiotics do not fight all bacterial infections however, they generally fight one of two types of bacteria (gram negative and gram positive). Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections or parasites, but they are sometimes prescribed with a viral infection to prevent a bacterial superinfection - when you get a bacterial infection because your immune system was weakened by the viral infection first. Antibiotics have saved more lives than those lost in any war but overusing them or not finishing a course can lead to the evolution of resistant bacteria which can no longer be killed by antibiotics.

What is the differents between bacterial laryngitis and viral laryngitis?

To understand the difference between bacterial laryngitis and viral, we must first have a good understanding of the difference between bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are living single celled-organisms that can live outside of a living host and multiply on surfaces such as telephones, door handles, counters, etc. Bacteria infect a host and reproduce in order to multiply. Viruses are non-living organisms that infect a host and then "reprogram" the host's cells to do the job of producing more virus. The difference between bacterial laryngitis and viral laryngitis, is bacterial laryngitis is not systemic, meaning that it only attacks one area of the body particularly the larynx (voice box) or immediate surrounding areas of the throat. Whereas viral laryngitis is systemic meaning that it causes other symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, coughing, etc. The more "cold-like" symptoms you have, the less likely you are to have the bacterial version of laryngitis. Also, the presence of a fever points more towards bacterial laryngitis than viral. Bacterial laryngitis is highly contagious where viral is not. Bacterial laryngitis can be spread very easily to others because it is an airborne bacteria. So if you suspect that you have the bacterial version of laryngitis, stay away from others and take precautions such as washing your hands and using antibacterial hand sanitizers. The treatment of viral laryngitis is lots of hot, clear fluids such as tea and chicken broth and plenty of rest. Whereas the treatment of bacterial laryngitis is antibiotics perscribed from your doctor.

Is hepatitis bacterial or viral?

Fever >> Viral low grade ,, Bacterial high grade Nonspecific symptoms >> such as URT symptoms roots for a viral vomiting and diarrhea which is first >> vomiting that proceeds diarrhea is more viral ,,, Diarrhea that proceeds vomiting is more bacterial Bloody >> favors bacterial though not sure bout that but epidemic infection usually viral many clues but the most accurate way is stool testing ..

What is viral DNA and bacterial DNA?

Viral DNA is genetic material found in viruses, which can replicate and infect host cells to produce more virus particles. Bacterial DNA is the genetic material found in bacteria, which contains the instructions for the growth, development, and function of the bacterial cell. Viral DNA is typically smaller and simpler than bacterial DNA.

What antibiotic is commonly used to treat viral infections?

There are no antibiotics that are effective against viruses. In fact, they should never be used unless a secondary bacterial infection is present and this is best determined by culturing the drainage, whether it is from the nose, throat, blood, or sputum. Because some Dr.'s have overprescribed antibiotics, many of the common bacteria have developed resistance.

Which is worst viral or bacterial pneumonia?

The difference between viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia is that viral pneumonia is caused by the influenza virus (the flu) and is treated by humididfied air, increased fluid intake, and the incubation period is only about 1-5 days. Cough, headache, muscle stiffness, shortness of breath, fever and chills, sweating and fatigue are all symptoms of vira pneumonia.Bacterial pneumonia is caused by streptococcus pneumoniae and is helped with antibiotics, fluid intake, supplemental oxygen, bed rest, chest physical therapy, bronchidilators, and cough suppresents and the incubation period is around 6 months. Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia include, sudden fever, chills, a productice cough, and discomfort in chest. There are similarities in the two viruses also, but they are very different too.

Which form of meningitis is the most dangerous?

Viral meningitis is the least severe type of meningitis, and patients usually recover with no long-term effects from the infection.