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Countries can grow at different rates due to various factors such as government policies, level of corruption, access to resources, technological advancement, education levels, infrastructure development, and global market conditions. Countries that invest in these areas tend to see faster growth and development compared to those that struggle with issues like political instability or lack of investment.

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Q: Why are some countries growing more than others?
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Why do some apples have more seeds than others?

The number of seeds in an apple can vary due to genetics, growing conditions, and the apple variety. Some apple varieties naturally produce apples with more seeds, while others may have fewer due to factors such as pollination and fertilization during the apple's growth.

Why are some strawberries that you eat being grown abroad?

Strawberries are grown abroad to meet demand during off-seasons in certain countries or regions. Different climates and production methods can allow strawberries to be available year-round, regardless of the local growing season. Transporting strawberries from other countries also helps to ensure a stable supply and variety for consumers.

What is the meaning of crotons?

Crotons are tropical plants known for their colorful and variegated leaves. They are popular for adding a vibrant and exotic touch to indoor and outdoor gardens. Crotons can vary in size and shape, with some varieties growing as shrubs while others are more compact.

Why do some traits show more than others?

Some traits show more prominently than others due to genetic dominance, environmental factors, and gene expression patterns. Dominant traits are more likely to be expressed in offspring, while recessive traits may be masked. Environmental factors may also influence trait expression, causing some traits to be more noticeable than others. Additionally, variations in gene expression can affect how prominently a trait is displayed.

How tall does seagrass grow?

Seagrass can grow to varying heights depending on the species, with some growing as short as a few centimeters and others growing up to several meters tall. Typically, seagrass species found in shallow coastal areas grow to about 0.3 to 1 meter in height.

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Because more people live there. now that's a supid answer and u kno it

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