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"Because God made us in His own image."

In fact, not all the life forms were known to us in the age of The Bible, for example nobody knew what a potato was, except for people living in America of course. They didn't read the bible but could tell as easily as you how they are different from a potato. It is interesting to note that certain species resembling man have been known to exist before man as we know him came to be.

In history we have competed with animals for survival on this world, and only recently have had the good fortune of discovering logical reasons for the way the world works, and using the knowledge invented some interesting ways to dominate over life on the planet. However, biologically, without these inventions, we would still be competing with, and in some respects losing to, other species on the planet. We are still outweighed by the insects.

We share much with the life of this planet, at least life that has been around during mankinds existence. We certainly all breathe air and drink water and require a source nourishment, for the most part.

It seems there are recent disocveries that show there is life far less like ourselves than we thought was possible, life that has a different element in its DNA. We now share a DNA system with only 99.9999% of the species on the planet.

(NASA Life Discovery: New Bacteria Makes DNA With Arsenic)

The truth is, despite what others may believe, that we are not that far removed from other contemporary life forms. What makes us different, possibly, is our brain function and what we accomplish when we write things down.

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Human beings are distinguished from other forms of life by their highly developed cognitive abilities, including complex language, abstract thinking, and self-awareness. These cognitive abilities have enabled humans to create sophisticated societies, technologies, and cultures that are unique among all living beings on Earth.

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Q: Why are human beings different than all other forms of life?
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How can human beings look so different from each other?

Human beings look different from each other due to a combination of genetic variations, environmental factors, and personal characteristics. Differences in traits such as facial features, skin color, and body shape are influenced by the unique combination of genes inherited from one's parents, as well as lifestyle choices and environmental exposures over time. This genetic diversity and individual variation contribute to the wide range of physical appearances seen in the human population.

where is the origin of a human beings?

Africa. Early homo sapiens emerged in Africa before migrating to other continents.

What do human beings exhale?

Human beings exhale carbon dioxide, which is a waste product generated by the body during the process of cellular respiration.

What makes human beings stand apart from other species?

Human beings stand apart from other species due to our advanced cognitive abilities, including language, reasoning, and complex problem-solving skills. Additionally, our capacity for creativity, self-awareness, and cultural development contribute to our uniqueness. The ability to collaborate in large groups and pass down knowledge across generations through language and written communication further distinguishes humans from other species.

What are Inhabitants best described as?

Inhabitants are individuals or organisms that live in a specific place or region. They can be human beings, animals, plants, or other living creatures that reside in a particular area.

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isn't is because it had water and "human live forms"

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No, they are useful to human beings. For example, you can use it for arrows like yhe other feathers.

Why should you respect other forms of life?

Because you are being respected as a human being who possesses a soul. So why shouldn't other living beings deserve the same respect and honour we all receive. Life is simple just don't make it complicated. We should respect everyone and everything as human beings.

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Only in that we're more emotionally involved with humans than with other animals.

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