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Dr. Robert Edwards, along with Dr. Patrick Steptoe, developed in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a fertility treatment. They successfully achieved the first IVF pregnancy in 1978 with the birth of Louise Brown.

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Is marijuana a good Fertility Treatment?

Marijuana is not known to be a fertility treatment at all. In fact there are studies suggesting that it causes fertility issues.

How can you turn off the fertility treatment reward in sims 3?

You can not turn off the fertility treatment, once you have it, you have it.

How can you get pregnant after 55?

Fertility treatment and IVF.

How do you buy a fertility treatment on the sims 3?

When you gain enough lifetime rewards points, you can purchase the upgrade.

Can humans get pregnant without sex or fertility treatment?

No, that is in possible.

Can you have artificial insemination done?

Yes, but you need to go to a doctor who handles fertility problems. at what age is the limit for fertility treatment

Who invented poledancing?

It was used in the 12th century as a pagan fertility dance.

How can you get twines on sims 2 pets?

To get triplets, two parents have to have fertility treatment.If one parent has fertility treatment, It's most likely to have twins.Also if both parents don't have fertility treatment, they get single child.Other ways:Mother can dance to kids music or watch kids TV to have twins at least once a day but while pregnant. (both parents no fertility treatment)

Why are christians not in favor of infertilty treatment?

check out The Catechism, also fertility is not God's plan

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If your aunt was a quadruplet what are chances you will have twins?

It completely depends... If she was a fertility treatment baby or natural.

Should people be allowed fertility treatment if they cannot conceive naturally?

This is a subjective question based on personal belief but I personally believe that if a couple cannot naturally concieve because of genetic or medical issues then they should be allowed fertility treatment.