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Robert Hooke fave this name to the cells he saw in a piece of cork becuse the reminded him of the cells that monks live in. They, like many plant cells, were square. If he had seen an animal cell the name may have not been " cell. "

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9mo ago

The term "cell" was first used by Robert Hooke, an English scientist, in 1665 when he observed cork under a microscope and described the tiny compartments he saw as resembling the cells or rooms that monks lived in.

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14y ago

Robert Hooke was the first person to coin the term cell.Because he saw a slice of cork through a microscope and it reminded him of a jail cell.

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When was the term cell first used?

A British scientist, by the name of Robert Hooke, first coined the term "cell" in 1665 when he used a microscope to examine a thin slice of cork from the bark of an oak tree. He was comparing the compartments to the rooms that the monks slept in, which were called cells.

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What material did English physicist rober hooke look under a mircroscope when he first used the term cell?

Robert Hooke looked at a thin slice of cork under a microscope when he first used the term cell. He observed small compartments that reminded him of the cells in a monastery, leading him to coin the term "cell".

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Yes, the term "cell" was first used by scientists to describe the basic structural and functional units of living organisms. This discovery is attributed to Robert Hooke, who observed plant cells under a microscope in the 17th century.

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Who was the first person to use the term cell what kind of microscope did he use?

The first person to use the term "cell" was Robert Hooke in 1665. He used a simple compound microscope to observe thin slices of cork, describing the small box-like structures he saw as cells.

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the term was first used by Harold hardradar

What material did english physicist robeert hooke look at under a microscope when he first used the term cell?

Dead Cork cells

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Cell specialization is a term that is used in biology. How cells specialize to do a specific function is cell specialization. It is controlled by gene regulations.

What is the major contribution of Robert Hooke?

He was the first person to record seeing cells in cork when viewed under the microscope. He first used the term 'cell' to describe what he saw.

What material did English physicist Robert hooke look at under a microscope when he first used the term cell?

Slices of cork.