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Two Belizean scientists who are currently active in their field are Dr. Isani Chan and Dr. Elma Kay. Dr. Chan is known for his work in marine conservation and sustainable fisheries, while Dr. Kay focuses on tropical ecology and biodiversity research in Belize.

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Q: Who are Two belizean scientist that are living?
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What do you call a scientist who studies living organisms?

A scientist who studies living organisms is called a biologist. Biologists explore various aspects of life, including the structure, function, growth, evolution, and distribution of living organisms.

What do you call a scientist who studies life?

A scientist who studies life is called a biologist. Biologists study living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environments.

Who was the first scientist to record seeing living organisms with a microscope?

The first scientist to observe living organisms with a microscope was Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century. He is known as the "Father of Microbiology" for his groundbreaking discoveries using primitive microscopes of his own design.

Who was the first scientist to observe livi g cells?

The first scientist to observe living cells was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist, in the 17th century. He used a simple microscope that he designed and made himself to observe single-celled organisms in pond water, blood cells, and other living specimens. His discoveries laid the foundation for the field of microbiology.

What scientist studies abiotic factors?

An ecologist or environmental scientist studies abiotic factors, which are non-living components of an ecosystem or environment. They analyze factors such as temperature, water availability, soil composition, sunlight, and other physical aspects that can influence the distribution and abundance of living organisms.

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What is a belizean?

A Belizean is a native or resident of Belize.

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if you are from Belize you are belizean

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Belizean Grove was created in 1999.

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Belizean Poets Society was created in 2005.

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Belizean Writers Series was created in 1995.

Who was the first scientist to classify living things into two main groups?

The first scientist to classify living things into two main groups was Aristotle. He divided organisms into plants and animals based on their ability to move and their way of obtaining nourishment.

What 2 things does a life scientist use to identify living things?

The main two characteristics of living things are: -The ability to grow -A consistency of cells

Name the scientist who first studied living cell?

The scientist who first studied living cell was A.V. Leeuwenhoek in 1674

When was National Alliance for Belizean Rights created?

National Alliance for Belizean Rights was created in 1992.

What did einstine do for a living?

be a scientist

What does the Belizean National Anthem mean?

the belizean national anthem has different meaning each phrase isdifferent