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The need for synthetic pesticides would be reduced because the crops themselves would be able to resist pests without the use of chemical interventions. This would lead to lower levels of pesticide residues in the environment and in food.

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Q: Which would be reduced as a result of the development of pest-resistant crops?
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What are the disadvantage of growing genetically modified crops?

Some disadvantages of growing genetically modified crops include potential harm to non-target organisms, reduced biodiversity, development of resistance in pests and weeds, and uncertainty about long-term environmental and health effects.

How does biotechnology help in agriculture?

Biotechnology in agriculture helps to develop genetically modified crops that are resistant to pests, diseases, and harsh environmental conditions. This results in increased crop yield, reduced use of pesticides, and improved nutrition in crops. Additionally, biotechnology can help in the development of plant varieties with enhanced nutritional value.

How has biotechnology improved farming in modern agriculture?

Biotechnology has improved farming in modern agriculture by enabling the development of genetically modified crops that are more resistant to pests and diseases. These crops also have improved yields and nutritional content, helping to feed a growing global population. Additionally, biotechnology has led to the development of sustainable agricultural practices that reduce the environmental impact of farming.

What are some intended and unintended consequences for the environment as a result of developments in biotechnology?

Intended consequences of biotechnology include the development of genetically modified crops that can increase yields and reduce the need for chemical pesticides. Unintended consequences may include the unintended spread of genetically modified organisms in the environment and potential disruption of local ecosystems.

How might these genetically engineered crops impact the environment?

Genetically engineered crops can impact the environment both positively and negatively. Positive impacts include reduced pesticide use and less land required for farming. Negative impacts can include the development of pesticide-resistant insects and the potential for gene flow to wild plant species.

Related questions

What are the disadvantage of growing genetically modified crops?

Some disadvantages of growing genetically modified crops include potential harm to non-target organisms, reduced biodiversity, development of resistance in pests and weeds, and uncertainty about long-term environmental and health effects.

What is the most likely result of converting farmland to urban development?

The amount of land available for growing crops decreases -Apex

What is the most important result of the water cycle?

rain is the most important result of watercycle....... without rain there are no crops........ no crops no food...... no humans

How does biotechnology help in agriculture?

Biotechnology in agriculture helps to develop genetically modified crops that are resistant to pests, diseases, and harsh environmental conditions. This results in increased crop yield, reduced use of pesticides, and improved nutrition in crops. Additionally, biotechnology can help in the development of plant varieties with enhanced nutritional value.

How does temperature affects crops?

Temperature affects crops in various ways. Extreme temperatures can damage crops by either freezing them or causing heat stress. The growth and development of crops are also influenced by temperature, with different crops requiring specific temperature ranges for optimal growth. Additionally, temperature can impact pests and diseases that affect crops, with certain temperatures favoring their development.

What was the result of the agricultural revolution?

productin of crops was increased

What was most directly a result of excess production of crops?


What else is a direct result of smog?

Other direct results of smog include respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis, reduced visibility leading to accidents and transportation delays, and damage to vegetation and crops. Smog can also contribute to global warming and climate change.

What are the development goal of a farmer?

to have as much land as possible to produce as many crops.

How was Nile river a resource in the development of Egypt?

It was a source of water for growing crops

When Development of herding animals villages and the cultivation of crops began about when?

8000 bc

What agricultural changes in England contributed to England's industrial development?

Crops, soil