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Temperature and salinity levels are abiotic limiting factors that can significantly impact organisms in marine biomes. Organisms have specific temperature and salinity ranges within which they can survive and thrive, and changes in these factors can disrupt their physiological processes and overall health.

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Q: Which two factors are abiotic limiting factors that affect organisms in marine biomes?
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Is a chair a biotic or an abiotic factor?

A chair is an abiotic factor because it is a non-living object. Biotic factors are living organisms or products of living organisms that can affect an ecosystem.

Do biotic and abiotic affect each other?

The abiotic and biotic factors can work together to reduce or extend the life of an individual. They can also work together to influence a particular population so that certain behavioral patterns are affected.

What are the primary abiotic factors that affect life underwater?

The primary abiotic factors that affect life underwater are temperature, light availability (depth of water), dissolved oxygen levels, and salinity. These factors can impact the distribution and abundance of aquatic organisms and influence ecosystem dynamics.

What are three abiotic factors that the number and types of organisms in an ecosystem depend on?

Three abiotic factors that influence the number and types of organisms in an ecosystem are temperature, precipitation, and soil nutrients. These factors affect the physical environment and availability of resources, influencing the survival and distribution of different species within the ecosystem.

What is the biotic and abiotic factors of an island?

Biotic factors on an island include plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria that make up the living organisms present. Abiotic factors include non-living components such as water, sunlight, temperature, soil, and air that influence the environment and affect the organisms living there.

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What abiotic factors affect the warthog?

Abiotic factors are esentially the non living component factors that affect the living organisms of the freshwater community. Such components do not affect the warthog

How do abiotic factor affect organisms in an ecosystem?

Abiotic factors affect organisms in an organism by Component, nonliving items, such as rocks. Also, physical elements such as temperature, weathering, etc.

What are the parts of the environment?

There are two factors in an environment. Biotic factors and abiotic factors. Biotic factors are living organisms that affect other organisms. Abiotic factors are non-living factors such as temperature, sunlight, humidity, soil, etc.

What is the biotic and abiotic factors that act upon organisms and affect their survival?


Is a snake abiotic?

Abiotic factors are the nonliving components of an ecosystem that affect the organisms living therein. Some abiotic factors that may affect a snake are: water supply and distribution, rate of precipitation, temperature patterns.

What type of factors are limiting factors whose effects are not influenced by population density?

Abiotic factors, such as temperature, water availability, and sunlight, are considered limiting factors whose effects are not influenced by population density. These factors directly affect the growth and survival of organisms irrespective of how many individuals are present in a given area.

How might a volcanic erruption affect the abiotic factors in an organisms habitat?

Volcanoes can affect the biotic and abiotic components in are environment by causing a chain reaction

Is a towel an abiotic factor?

Yes, a towel is an abiotic factor as it is not a living organism. Abiotic factors are non-living components of an ecosystem that can affect living organisms.

What are limiting factors in an ecosystem?

Temerature- can affect living organisms ; cause them to die or have to relocate

What are the Cause and effect of abiotic factors?

Abiotic factors, such as sunlight and water availability, can directly affect the physiology and behavior of organisms. For example, a decrease in sunlight can lead to reduced photosynthesis in plants, affecting their growth. Changes in abiotic factors can also impact ecosystem dynamics, such as altering species diversity and distribution.

Is a chair a biotic or an abiotic factor?

A chair is an abiotic factor because it is a non-living object. Biotic factors are living organisms or products of living organisms that can affect an ecosystem.

What do factors include?

In Biology and ecology, abiotic components or abiotic factors are non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems. Abiotic factors and phenomena associated with them underpin all biology. abiotic factors include water, soil, sunlight, oxygen and,temperature