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To validate and verify the original findings, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the scientific community.

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Q: Which phrase best describes the main reason that scientists reproduce the results of other scientists?
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What describes the meaning phrase results support the hypothesis?

When results support the hypothesis, it means that the data collected in the study aligns with the initial prediction or proposed explanation. This is a positive outcome as it suggests that the hypothesis was likely accurate in predicting the relationship between variables. It adds credibility to the research findings and provides evidence to support the researchers' claims.

What phrase describes evolution?

The phrase "survival of the fittest" describes evolution as the process where organisms that are best suited to their environment will survive and pass on their genes to the next generation. It highlights the concept of natural selection driving changes in populations over time.

In the Andromeda Strain when the scientists were called to Wildfire what code words were used?

In "The Andromeda Strain," the code words used to summon the scientists to Wildfire were "Odd Man Out."

When genesis speaks of the genetic principle or parents producing offspring like themselves it uses the phrase?

The phrase used in Genesis is "according to their kind." This phrase emphasizes the idea that living things reproduce offspring that are similar to themselves in characteristics and traits. It reflects the concept of heredity and genetic principles guiding the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

The phrase is not a cell but has the ability to reproduce within a living cell can be used to describe?

Viruses. Viruses are not considered living organisms, but they can replicate and reproduce inside living host cells by hijacking the cell's machinery. This process leads to the production of new virus particles, which can then infect other cells.