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The organism with the highest percentage of adenine is the bacterium Thermus thermophilus, where it can make up as much as 40% of its DNA.

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Q: Which organism has the highest percentage of adenine?
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Who discovered that the percent of bases in DNA varies from organism to organism?

Erwin Chargaff discovered that the percentage of adenine (A) is equal to thymine (T) and the percentage of guanine (G) is equal to cytosine (C) in DNA. This discovery is known as Chargaff's rules and laid the foundation for understanding the structure of DNA.

According to chargaffs rules the percentage of?

According to Chargaff's rules, the percentage of adenine (A) is equal to the percentage of thymine (T), and the percentage of cytosine (C) is equal to the percentage of guanine (G) in a double-stranded DNA molecule. This reflects the complementary base pairing in DNA structure.

A sample of DNA contains 500 adenine bases how many thymine bases does it contain?

If a sample of DNA contains 500 adenine bases, it will also contain 500 thymine bases. In DNA, adenine always pairs with thymine through hydrogen bonds, so the number of adenine bases will be equal to the number of thymine bases.

If a species has 23 percent adenine in its DnA what is the percentage of guanine it would contain?

If a species has 23% adenine, we know that adenine pairs with thymine. In DNA, the amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, so together they make up 46% (23% adenine + 23% thymine). This leaves 54% for guanine and cytosine, of which guanine would be 27%.

According to chargaff's rules the percentages of what are equal to those of thymine?

According to Chargaff's rules, the percentage of adenine is equal to thymine in a double-stranded DNA molecule. These rules state that in DNA, the amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine.

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What percentage of the bases in this sample are adenine?

Yeast with adenine-31.3% has the percentage of adenine.

Is number of adenine equal to guanine?

Based on the rule of complementary base pairing, the number (percentage) of adenine is equal to the number (percentage) of thymine, and the number (percentage) of cytosine is equal to the number (percentage) of guanine.

Who discovered that the percent of bases in DNA varies from organism to organism?

Erwin Chargaff discovered that the percentage of adenine (A) is equal to thymine (T) and the percentage of guanine (G) is equal to cytosine (C) in DNA. This discovery is known as Chargaff's rules and laid the foundation for understanding the structure of DNA.

According to chargaffs rules the percentage of?

According to Chargaff's rules, the percentage of adenine (A) is equal to the percentage of thymine (T), and the percentage of cytosine (C) is equal to the percentage of guanine (G) in a double-stranded DNA molecule. This reflects the complementary base pairing in DNA structure.

If the DNA analysis of a gene shows 20 adenine bases what would be the percentage of uracil?

If a DNA analysis of a gene shows 20 adenine bases, there would be no uracil present as uracil is not typically found in DNA. Uracil is only found in RNA. DNA contains adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, while RNA contains adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine.

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A sample of DNA contains 500 adenine bases how many thymine bases does it contain?

If a sample of DNA contains 500 adenine bases, it will also contain 500 thymine bases. In DNA, adenine always pairs with thymine through hydrogen bonds, so the number of adenine bases will be equal to the number of thymine bases.

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If a species has 23 percent adenine in its DnA what is the percentage of guanine it would contain?

If a species has 23% adenine, we know that adenine pairs with thymine. In DNA, the amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, so together they make up 46% (23% adenine + 23% thymine). This leaves 54% for guanine and cytosine, of which guanine would be 27%.

What two types of molecules in DNA have the same percentage?

Adenine and Thymine have the same percentage in DNA. They are complementary base pairs known as purines and pyrimidines, respectively.

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