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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The liver converts ammonia into urea through a series of chemical reactions in a process called the urea cycle. Urea is less toxic than ammonia and can be safely excreted by the kidneys in the urine.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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Q: What converts ammonia wastes from the cells in urea?
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What converts ammonia to urea?

The urea cycle, which occurs in the liver, converts ammonia to urea. The urea cycle involves a series of reactions that ultimately result in the production of urea, which is then excreted by the kidneys in urine. This process helps to safely remove excess ammonia from the body.

What chemical is made from ammonia that excreted in the urine?

Urea is the chemical made from ammonia that is excreted in the urine. Our body converts ammonia, a waste product of protein metabolism, into urea in the liver. Urea is then filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine.

Is urea toxic?

Urea is used in fertilizers and is not considered toxic. Ammonia is toxic and is what converts readily to urea.

The least toxic of nitrogenous wastes is?

Urea is the less toxic in nature among the nitrogenous wastes where as Ammonia is 100,000 times toxic than urea.

Which organ converts and neutralizes ammonia from the circulatory system to urea?


Cell wastes containing nitrogen are produced when cells break down?

These wastes, like ammonia or urea, are toxic to cells. To prevent buildup, organisms must excrete them or convert them into less harmful forms, like urea in mammals or uric acid in birds.

List three nitrogenous wastes that are routinely found in urine?

Common nitrogenous wastes in urine are: urea, uric acid and ammonia.

What cell wastes containing nitrogen are produced when cells break down?

Cells produce ammonia and urea as waste products containing nitrogen when they break down proteins. These waste products are subsequently excreted by the body through processes such as urination and sweating.

The advantage of excreting wastes as urea rather than as ammonia is that?

Urea is less toxic than ammonia, making it safer to store in the body before excretion. It also requires less water to eliminate compared to ammonia, making it more energy-efficient for terrestrial animals. Additionally, the conversion of ammonia into urea consumes less energy, resulting in a net energy savings for the organism.

List Three main nitrogenous wastes of animals what is the relative need for water?

The three main nitrogenous wastes in animals are ammonia, urea, and uric acid. Ammonia is the most toxic and soluble in water, requiring a high volume of water for its excretion. Urea is less toxic and requires a moderate amount of water for excretion. Uric acid is the least toxic and least soluble, needing very little water for excretion.

Which process reduce the concentration of urea in the blood of humans?

The term 'urea' is actually the body's way of eliminating Ammonia wastes from cells metabolism. In the blood the urea is a waste product which is eventually excreted through the glomeruli in the kidneys and eventually leaves the body via urine. The process is called Glomerular Filtration. Also there is a lesser amount of urea excreted in sweat.

Is there ammonia in your friend's body?

Yes there is ammonia in human body. Most of the ammonia in body is obtained during digestion in the intestine. The bacteria break down proteins in food to form ammonia. Liver converts ammonia into urea which you urinate out.