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Genetic engineering, where genes are manipulated to create new traits in organisms, is a common example of biotechnology. This can be seen in the development of genetically modified crops or bacteria that produce insulin for medical use.

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Q: Which is an example of biotechnology?
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What is a non example of biotechnology?

A non-example of biotechnology would be traditional farming techniques that do not involve genetic engineering or manipulation of organisms at a molecular level.

What is an example of a classical biotechnology?

Fermentation, such as the production of bread, wine, and beer, is an example of classical biotechnology. It involves the use of microorganisms like yeast or bacteria to produce food or beverages through a controlled fermentation process.

How do you create an biotechnology acrostic?

To create a biotechnology acrostic, spell out the word "BIOTECHNOLOGY" vertically down the left side of the page. Then, for each letter, come up with a word or phrase related to biotechnology that starts with that letter. For example, for "B" you could use "Genetic Engineering" and for "O" you could use "Organism Modification."

Why are crutches an example of biotechnology?

Crutches are not typically considered an example of biotechnology. Biotechnology involves using living organisms or biological systems to create products or technologies, while crutches are a mechanical device used to assist with mobility. However, advancements in materials science and ergonomic design may involve some biotechnological aspects in the development of modern crutches.

What is an example of biotechnology?

One example of biotechnology is the use of genetic engineering to create genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. GMOs are engineered to have desired traits, such as resistance to pests or improved nutritional content, which can help increase crop yields and address food security issues.

Related questions

Is an example of biotechnology?

Genetically engineered crops, like corn and soybeans, are examples of biotechnology.

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What are the example of scientific journal?

journal of biotechnology

What is a non example of biotechnology?

A non-example of biotechnology would be traditional farming techniques that do not involve genetic engineering or manipulation of organisms at a molecular level.

Is Genetic engineering is an example of biotechnology?

Absolutely, yes.

Is bacterial production of french bread an example of biotechnology?


What is a sentence example using biotechnology?

Biotechnology is a field of biology. It consists the technology aspects in the field of biology.

What is an example of a classical biotechnology?

Fermentation, such as the production of bread, wine, and beer, is an example of classical biotechnology. It involves the use of microorganisms like yeast or bacteria to produce food or beverages through a controlled fermentation process.

How do you create an biotechnology acrostic?

To create a biotechnology acrostic, spell out the word "BIOTECHNOLOGY" vertically down the left side of the page. Then, for each letter, come up with a word or phrase related to biotechnology that starts with that letter. For example, for "B" you could use "Genetic Engineering" and for "O" you could use "Organism Modification."

What is an example of biotechnology?

One example of biotechnology is the use of genetic engineering to create genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. GMOs are engineered to have desired traits, such as resistance to pests or improved nutritional content, which can help increase crop yields and address food security issues.

Why are crutches an example of biotechnology?

Crutches are not typically considered an example of biotechnology. Biotechnology involves using living organisms or biological systems to create products or technologies, while crutches are a mechanical device used to assist with mobility. However, advancements in materials science and ergonomic design may involve some biotechnological aspects in the development of modern crutches.

Give five example of each type of biotechnology?

There are a few different types of Biotechnology. Biotechnology is basically technology based on biology. This can be artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation, genetic engineering and cloning. There are heaps of other type but those are the most well known ones.