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Mitosis would occur more often in skin cells than in teeth cells. This is because skin cells undergo constant regeneration to replace old or damaged cells, whereas teeth cells do not undergo regular cell turnover like skin cells.

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Q: Which cells would you expect mitosis to occur more often teeth or skin and why?
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Where in your body does mitosis occur most often?

Mitosis occurs most often in the bone marrow, skin, and the lining of the digestive tract. These tissues have a high turnover of cells and require frequent cell division for growth, maintenance, and repair.

Which cells would you expect mitosis to occur more often adult persons skin or adult persons teeth?

Mitosis occurs more often in the cells of adult person's skin compared to adult person's teeth. Skin cells are continuously dividing and regenerating, whereas the cells in adult teeth stop dividing once they are fully formed.

Which occurs more frequently in your body mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis occur more frequently in our body. Basically mitosis occur when we get an injury or is an asexual type of reproduction. It occurs at the time of cell division and our cells need to divide often. While meosis is form of sexual reproduction and it does not occur quite often . Also, meiosis occurs more in men than in women. Look at it this way Mitosis splits once as meosis splits twice and they're not identical

Does synapsis occur in mitosis?

No, synapsis does not occur in mitosis. Synapsis is the pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, not mitosis. In mitosis, replicated chromosomes line up and separate into daughter cells without the pairing of homologous chromosomes.

What role does mitosis play in the formation of a tumor?

Mitosis plays a crucial role in the formation of a tumor by allowing the rapid and uncontrolled division of cancer cells. Mutations in genes that regulate the cell cycle and cell division can lead to unchecked proliferation, contributing to tumor growth. In tumors, mitosis is often dysregulated, resulting in abnormal cell growth and the formation of a mass of mutated cells.

Related questions

Where would you expect mitosis to be occurring most often?

Skın cells

Why would you expect mitosis to occur more often in an adults teeth?


In plant cells where does mitosis occur most frequently?

Most often mitosis occurs near the apical meristem which is located in the main root tip, at the auxiliary buds and at the very top of the main stem. Mitosis does not occur at the meristems, but usually very close behind them

Where in your body does mitosis occur most often?

Mitosis occurs most often in the bone marrow, skin, and the lining of the digestive tract. These tissues have a high turnover of cells and require frequent cell division for growth, maintenance, and repair.

Which cells would you expect mitosis to occur more often adult persons skin or adult persons teeth?

Mitosis occurs more often in the cells of adult person's skin compared to adult person's teeth. Skin cells are continuously dividing and regenerating, whereas the cells in adult teeth stop dividing once they are fully formed.

Which occurs more frequently in your body mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis occur more frequently in our body. Basically mitosis occur when we get an injury or is an asexual type of reproduction. It occurs at the time of cell division and our cells need to divide often. While meosis is form of sexual reproduction and it does not occur quite often . Also, meiosis occurs more in men than in women. Look at it this way Mitosis splits once as meosis splits twice and they're not identical

Does synapsis occur in mitosis?

No, synapsis does not occur in mitosis. Synapsis is the pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, not mitosis. In mitosis, replicated chromosomes line up and separate into daughter cells without the pairing of homologous chromosomes.

Is the genetic makeup of daughter cells unique or identical to other cells in the organism during mitosis?

The genetic makeup of daughter cells in mitosis is identical to each other and to the parent cell. Mitosis is a form of cell division where the resulting daughter cells have the same genetic information as the original cell.

What cells undergo mitosis in humans?

Somatic cells in the body undergo mitosis in humans, including skin cells, blood cells, and cells in the digestive system. These cells go through mitosis for growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues in the body.

What are the two daughter cells of mitosis?

The two daughter cells produced by mitosis are genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell. They contain the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell and are essential for growth, repair, and maintenance of the organism.

What role does mitosis play in the formation of a tumor?

Mitosis plays a crucial role in the formation of a tumor by allowing the rapid and uncontrolled division of cancer cells. Mutations in genes that regulate the cell cycle and cell division can lead to unchecked proliferation, contributing to tumor growth. In tumors, mitosis is often dysregulated, resulting in abnormal cell growth and the formation of a mass of mutated cells.

How often do different cells undergo mitosis?

The frequency of cell division through mitosis varies depending on the cell type. For example, skin cells and cells lining the intestines divide more frequently than nerve cells or muscle cells. Some cells, like heart muscle cells, may not divide at all after a certain stage of development.