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The electrical potential difference between the interior of a cell and the external interstitial space is generated by the actions of the electrogenic Na-K Atpase. What does this mean in plain language? That in the cell membrane there are ion pumps that move sodium up it's concentration gradient using the energy in ATP to accomplish this.

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Neurons carry signals from different parts of your body to the brain which is later interpreted by the brain. Neurons can then carry signals from the brain to the rest of your body as a responds from the first signal

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Two ways. The chemicals in your body create electricity the same way batteries do. The other way is when your body builds up a static charge by interacting with the environment.

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nerve cells

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Q: How does your body create electricity?
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How is electricity produced by the body and how its used?

wen u take a dump in the toilet u create static electricity and to use it just fart

You create electricity from stactic electricity?


What causes static electricity in your body?

Static electricity in your body is caused by the build-up of an imbalance of electric charge. This can happen when you walk on carpets or rub certain materials, causing electrons to be transferred and create a charge imbalance. When you touch an object, such as a metal doorknob, the excess charge can transfer and create a mild shock.

How does hydroelectric create electricity?

in your home it can create energy

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Why do you get an electrical shock if you touch a doorknob afetr walking across a carpet?

Rubbing against carpet can create a buildup of static electricity on your body. When you touch a metal doorknob, the excess electrons flow from your body to the knob, causing a sudden discharge of electricity and a shock.

How do you create electricity on alchemy iPhone?

In Alchemy for iPhone, you can create electricity by combining the elements metal and energy. Place the metal element on the board, then drag the energy element on top of it to create electricity.

What energy is needed to create electricity in a geothermal power plant?

The energy from earth is required. This energy is used to create electricity.

How do you create electricity on Doodle God 2?


What is the type of electricity you create by rubbing a balloon on your head?

Static electricity.

Can protein create electricity?

No, it can't.

How can a uranium mine create electrcity?

A Uranium mine can not create electricity.