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it is the tubular layer of bone surrounding the central canal of osteon

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8mo ago

Concentric lamellae can be found in the structural formations of bones, particularly in osteons. These circular layers are composed of mineralized collagen fibers and help provide strength and support to bones. They are commonly observed in microscopic examinations of bone tissue.

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11y ago

The outer surface of compact bone tissues.

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What are the layers of calcified matrix called?

The layers of calcified matrix in bone tissue are called lamellae. These lamellae are arranged in concentric circles around central canals called Haversian canals, forming the structure known as an osteon or Haversian system.

What are the layers of calcified matrix?

Concentric lamellae.

What is The type of lamellae found between osteons?

The type of lamellae found between osteons is interstitial lamellae. These lamellae are remnants of old osteons that have been partially destroyed during bone remodeling.

What are the layers of bony matrix around a central canal called?

Concentric lamellae

Layers of bony matrix around a central canal?

Concentric Lamellae -JSO

What are the matrix rings of compact bone that surround the central canal of each osteon?

The matrix rings are called lamellae and they concentrically surround the central canal (Haversian canal) of each osteon. They form a series of concentric circles, providing structural support and strength to the bone tissue.

What are the matrix rings of compact bone that surrounds the central canal of each osteon?

Concentric lamellae

How are bone cells orangized in bone tissue?

The matrix for bone is laid down in thin layers called lamellae. The lamellae are arranged in concentric patterns around tubes called osteonic canals. Between the layers of lamellae the osteocytes are placed in depressions called lacunae. This pattern of concentric circles forms a cylinder-shaped unit called the osteon.

The tiny plates of bone material found in spongy bone are called A interstitial lamellae. B osteons. C concentric lamellae. D lacunae. E trabeculae.?

E. Trabeculae Well, Trabeculae translates to tiny beam or rod whereas trabeculae means tiny plates... and if it is for spongy bone, then that would be A. interstitial lamellae

What are remodeled osteons?

When old osteons are removed, concentric rings of lamellae are fragmented which then results in interstitial lamellaebetween the intact osteons.

What is lamella in the human bone?

Lamellae are the layers that form concentric rings within the Haversian systems that make up bone tissue.

What are the central canal and its surrounding lamellae called?

The central canal is surrounded by concentric lamellae forming an osteon, also known as a Haversian system. It is a structural unit of compact bone responsible for providing strength and support to the bone tissue.