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warm place

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A banana will decompose more quickly in a warm place due to increased microbial activity and enzymatic reactions that speed up the decomposition process. Cold temperatures slow down these processes and preserve the banana for a longer period.

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Q: Where does a banana decomposed quickly warm or cold place?
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Why is it important not to rewarm a person too quickly who is suffering from hypothermia?

Rewarming a person too quickly from hypothermia can lead to a condition called rewarming shock, where cold blood from the extremities returns too quickly to the core and can cause further health complications such as arrhythmias or organ damage. Gradual and controlled rewarming helps prevent this shock and allows the body to adjust to the temperature change more effectively.

Why does iodine turn banana black?

When iodine comes into contact with starch, which is abundant in bananas, it forms a dark blue-black color. This reaction is due to the iodine molecules getting trapped within the structure of the starch molecules, producing the characteristic color change.

Do warm receptors adapt quickly?

No, warm receptors do not adapt quickly. They tend to maintain their response to a constant temperature stimulus over time without significant decrease in sensitivity. This allows them to continually signal changes in temperature to the brain.

How fast does skin freeze in minus 36 weather?

Skin can freeze in as quickly as 30 minutes in -36°C weather if it is not properly protected. Exposed skin is at risk for frostbite and other cold-related injuries in extreme cold temperatures. It is crucial to cover up and stay warm in such conditions.

What plants live in cold places?

Plants that can withstand cold temperatures include conifers like pine, spruce, and fir trees, as well as deciduous trees like birch and maple. Shrubs like juniper, rhododendron, and heather are also common in cold climates. Additionally, Arctic plants like lichens, mosses, and tundra vegetation are adapted to extreme cold conditions.

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Why should you not plant a banana tree in winter?

banana trees cant coup with the cold and die

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How many syllables does 'A cold banana' have?

it has 4 lol

Do banana spiders hibernate?

Banana spiders hibernate when it is cold out, but are not in a very deep sleep. The cold locks up their muscles so on mild days they may come out for food.

What food you eat on cold days?


Why does not banana kept in freeze?

Because cold is stop off.

What are hot and cold appetizers?

Hot apple crisp Banana pudding

Is banana good to eat during detox diet?

when banana intake is more it gives rise to tonsils, cold and other depends on your body whether the banana is suitable for your body or not.

Will food exposed to yeast decompose quickly in hot place or cold place?

i think it would decompose easier in the warm because it can melt easier and sink back into earth. (:

Why does a banana brown faster in a refrigerator than on a counter?

Because banana's grow in a hot country so do not cold conditions such as fridges or freezers!

What causes a banana to rot in the refrigerator?

If you put a banana in the fridge its cold ,right? Well while coldness slows down the speed of rotting, it also gets too cold for the banana and the coldness basically kills the banana with its coldness, and that's how a banana rots in the fridge.