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The tissue most likely being viewed is skeletal muscle tissue. Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of long and thin fibers called muscle fibers that exhibit striations due to the arrangement of contractile proteins. These muscle fibers contain multiple nuclei and mitochondria to support their high energy demands.

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Q: When viewed under a microscope a sample of tissue reveals striations and long thin fibers that contain many nuclei and mitochondria. What type of tissue is most likely being viewed?
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Could you see a thin line inside the Cell wall?

No, a thin line would not typically be visible inside a plant cell wall, as it is a rigid structure made of cellulose that surrounds the cell membrane. The cell wall provides structural support and protection for the cell, but does not typically contain visible lines when viewed under a microscope.

How do objects appear different under the microscope than when viewed naturally?

Objects appear larger and more detailed under a microscope due to magnification, allowing us to see structures that are not visible to the naked eye. The increased magnification also reveals finer details and textures that may not be apparent when viewed normally. Additionally, color contrast can be enhanced under a microscope to make different features stand out more clearly.

What is the highest TEM magnification?

Up to about 750,000 times. Strictly, it is not magnification that matters with any microscope. There is no practical value in enlarging an image if the enlargement reveals no further detail, but just makes the blur bigger!The critical factor is resolution, which is a measure of the detail that can be discerned in the image. A transmission electron microscope (TEM) has, at best, a resolution of about 1 nm, which means that objects closer than 1 nanometer apart cannot be distinguished. This is about 100 times the best resolution available using a light microscope.

Which type of microscope reveals the most subcellular detail?

Electron microscopes reveal the most subcellular detail compared to other types of microscopes. They use a beam of electrons to visualize specimens at a much higher magnification and resolution than light microscopes, allowing for detailed imaging of subcellular structures such as organelles and macromolecules.

Why is methylene blue used when observing cells?

Methylene blue is a common stain used in cell biology to enhance contrast and visualize structures within cells under a microscope. It binds to negatively charged components of cells, such as nucleic acids, allowing for a clearer view of cell morphology and organization.

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How many types of electron microscope are there?

There are two basic types scaning electron microscope (SEM) which will show the surface of the subject and TEM which reveals the density. and because your gay

What type of microscope reveals the surface features of extremely small objects?

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) reveals the surface features of extremely small objects by scanning a focused beam of electrons across the specimen and detecting the interactions of the electrons with the sample's surface. This imaging technique provides high-resolution images and is useful for examining the topography of samples at a microscopic level.

Could you see a thin line inside the Cell wall?

No, a thin line would not typically be visible inside a plant cell wall, as it is a rigid structure made of cellulose that surrounds the cell membrane. The cell wall provides structural support and protection for the cell, but does not typically contain visible lines when viewed under a microscope.

Microscopic examination of an animal cell reveals the presences of a plasma membrane but no cell wall which additioal strctures would normally be present within this cell?

In addition to the plasma membrane, animal cells contain various organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and cytoskeleton components like microtubules and microfilaments. These structures are essential for the cell's functioning and contribute to its overall structure and organization.

What part of speech is reveals?

Reveals is a verb.

How do objects appear different under the microscope than when viewed naturally?

Objects appear larger and more detailed under a microscope due to magnification, allowing us to see structures that are not visible to the naked eye. The increased magnification also reveals finer details and textures that may not be apparent when viewed normally. Additionally, color contrast can be enhanced under a microscope to make different features stand out more clearly.

What is the plate that contain the most hot spots?

Probably the pacific Plate. The permanent hot spots are revealed by chains of volcanic islands. The chain itself reveals the direction the plate is moving.

What are three thing science reveals?

what is 3 things science reveals

What is the highest TEM magnification?

Up to about 750,000 times. Strictly, it is not magnification that matters with any microscope. There is no practical value in enlarging an image if the enlargement reveals no further detail, but just makes the blur bigger!The critical factor is resolution, which is a measure of the detail that can be discerned in the image. A transmission electron microscope (TEM) has, at best, a resolution of about 1 nm, which means that objects closer than 1 nanometer apart cannot be distinguished. This is about 100 times the best resolution available using a light microscope.

What would you see if you could examine a mineral with a powerful microscope that shows atoms and ions?

If you could examine a mineral with a powerful microscope that reveals atoms and ions, you would see the arrangement of individual atoms within the crystal lattice structure of the mineral. This would give you insight into the bonding between atoms, the types of elements present, and the overall crystal morphology of the mineral at a microscopic level.

Close examination of an organ reveals a lining of several layers of cells The layers do not contain any blood vessels and one surface of the cells is open to the internal cavity of the organ This ti?


When to use the word reveals in a sentence?

The opening curtain slowly reveals the stage.