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Either underground or into the air - as CO2.

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When carbon from dead plants and animals decomposes, it is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide through processes like respiration and decomposition. Some of the carbon can also be stored in the soil, through processes like soil organic matter accumulation or fossilization, and in the oceans through processes like marine sedimentation.

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Q: When carbon from plants and animals die where does it go?
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Where does animal or plant carbon go when it dies?

When animals or plants die, the carbon stored in their tissues is released back into the environment through decomposition. Microorganisms break down the organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide through respiration. Some carbon may also be stored in the soil or oceans through various processes.

When plants go through photosynthesis they provide animals with which?

Plants provide animals with oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This oxygen is essential for animals to carry out cellular respiration, which is the process that generates energy for their survival.

What do plants produce during photosynthesis that helps animals?

The equation you can follow is this: 6CO2+6H2O--->C6H12O6+6O2 Plants put in carbon dioxide and water and produce oxygen and glucose. Oxygen is what we breathe in, which then by this we go through cellular respiration and produce carbon dioxide for plant. Glucose can be used by use when we eat the plant or another organism eats it and we consume that organism. We obtain energy this way. Hope that helped :)

How do plants get nutrients from animals?

Plants do not actively get nutrients from animals. Instead, some plants have evolved to form mutualistic relationships with animals, such as certain types of carnivorous plants that capture and digest insects for additional nutrients.

Why do animals depend on photosynthesis?

Animals depend on photosynthesis indirectly for energy and oxygen. Animals consume plants or other animals that have consumed plants, which provide energy derived from photosynthesis. In addition, photosynthesis is responsible for producing oxygen, which animals need to survive through respiration.

Related questions

What will happen to animals if all plants vanish and vice verse?

If all plants vanish from the planet, then there will be no food for plant eating animals and they will die of hunger and the animal eating animals (Carnivorous.) die as they will not have plant eating animals to eat. Also Carbon bi oxide will go on increasing and Oxygen go on decreasing, as animals will respire to produce it and plants are are not there to convert it back to Oxygen. Vise verse if all animals vanish from the earth, then Plants will not get the Carbon bi oxide, required for photosynthesis and they will also die of starvation, as they also need food for there growth and respiration.

How is carbon moved from the atmosphere?

Carbon is not 'moved' from the atmosphere. It can be absorbed and stored by things like plants and animals, but when they die and decay the carbon will go back into the carbon cycle again. Try googling 'carbon cycle'

What might happen to the environment if people do not save natural resource?

Plants would have died and if plants died, the carbon-dioxcide might go into the air and animals and people will die.Also plants are made up of food so if plants were to die people would have no food and die from hunger.

How do plant and animal cells help each other to survive?

Plant cells provide oxygen through photosynthesis, which animal cells need for cellular respiration. In return, animals supply carbon dioxide that plants require for photosynthesis. Additionally, animals help plants by distributing seeds for reproduction and aiding in pollination.

Where does the oxygen go when it leaves the animal?

Oxygen is actually breathed in by animals. It is carbon dioxide which is exhaled by animals. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

How does carbon dioxide go back to the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide goes back to the atmosphere through respiration, the decomposition of plants and animals, and combustion.

Why animals can not make their food by carbon dioxide water and sunlight like plants?

because they don't go through photosynthesis like plants.

What changes will happen to carbon dioxide level on an island which has plants only and no animals?

u just go to hell

What happen to the bodies of plants and animals after they die?

they go to heaven and become bffs with god

Do plants and animals play a role in the water carbon and the nitrogen cycles?

Yes, plants play a role in the water cycle by absorbing water through their roots and releasing it through transpiration. Animals can also impact the water cycle by drinking water and excreting waste. In the carbon and nitrogen cycles, plants take in carbon dioxide and fix nitrogen from the air, which are essential for their growth. Animals release carbon dioxide through respiration and contribute nitrogen through their waste products.

Food moves from one living thing to anbother in a path called?

There is a thing called the carbon cycle, where carbon goes from one object to another e.g coal gets burnt --> smoke goes into air --> air is breathed in by animals --> animals die --> animals go into ground... etc etc there is also an energy cycle, since energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be transferred e.g dead animals decompose into the soil --> plants turn it into food --> herbivores eat the plants --> carnivores eat the herbivores --> carnivores die... etc etc Also energy comes from the sun and the plants use photosynthesis to turn it into food.

Where does animal or plant carbon go when it dies?

When animals or plants die, the carbon stored in their tissues is released back into the environment through decomposition. Microorganisms break down the organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide through respiration. Some carbon may also be stored in the soil or oceans through various processes.