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Viruses are like cells except they destroy your immune system and take over your body and kill you.

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A virus is a microscopic infectious agent that requires a host cell to replicate and reproduce, while a cell is a basic unit of life that can replicate and function independently. Viruses are not considered living organisms because they lack the ability to carry out metabolic processes on their own.

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Q: Whats the difference about a virus and a cell?
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The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the?

The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the host cell. The virus hijacks the host cell's machinery to replicate and produce more virus particles.

Why is the cell invaded by the virus called a host cell?

The cell invaded by the virus is called a host cell because it provides the environment and resources necessary for the virus to replicate and multiply. The virus uses the host cell's machinery to produce more viruses, ultimately leading to the destruction of the host cell.

What do you call a cell that has been infected with a virus?

It is called a host cell. The virus attaches to the cell and injects its DNA into the cell. The virus's DNA overruns the "instructions" that the cell has and "tells" the cell to make copies of the virus using the DNA. Then the cell makes so many copies of the virus, that it explodes. The new viruses then go on to attach to other cells.

When a virus takes over the machinery of a cell?

When a virus takes over a cell's machinery, it hijacks the cell's resources to replicate itself. The virus uses the cell's machinery to produce more copies of the virus, eventually leading to cell damage or death. This process can contribute to the spread of the virus throughout the body.

Cell in which a virus reproduces?

A virus reproduces inside a host cell. It takes over the host cell's machinery to replicate its own genetic material and produce new virus particles. This can cause harm to the host cell and lead to the spread of the virus to other cells.

Related questions

What is the difference between a b cell and a t cell?

B cells mark the virus or paracite as unknown the killer t cells attack and destroy the virus.

What does the virus reproduction do to the host bacterium?

a virus uses leg-like appendages to clamp onto a cell and a spike or chemical coating to penetrate the cell wall

What is the structural difference between a virus or bacteria?

Bacteria are living cells -- cell membrane and all that cell stuff. A virus doesn't own it's own cell; it invades a cell and takes over, using the host cell to make more viruses.

What is the difference between a active virus and a hidden virus?

The " hidden " virus is called a provirus and it insets it's genetic material into the genome of the invaded cell so that the cell copies itself many times and copies the virus also. An active virus just invades and hijacks the cell immediately to reproduce the virus. The " hidden " type of virus does come out after a time and acts like a active virus then Google lytic cycle and lysoginy.

Where can I get a Drawing of a virus cell?

No where. A virus is not a cell.

The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the?

The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the host cell. The virus hijacks the host cell's machinery to replicate and produce more virus particles.

What does a cell and virus have in common?

What a cell and a virus have in common is the RNA or DNA. The virus can be either a RNA virus or a DNA virus.

Which virus would infect cells and be able to produce more virus particles?

Some viruses have a lytic cycle or a lysogenic cycle. The difference in these two cycles is that the cell dies at the end of the lytic cycle or the cell remains in the lysogenic cycle. The virus remains "hidden".

Which is smaller a cell or virus?

A virus.

Which component of a virus is lacking in a cell?

Both a living cell and a virus contain nucleic acid. The virus has a capsid, whereas a living cell does not.

Whats the worst computer virus?

The storm worm

Why is the cell invaded by the virus called a host cell?

The cell invaded by the virus is called a host cell because it provides the environment and resources necessary for the virus to replicate and multiply. The virus uses the host cell's machinery to produce more viruses, ultimately leading to the destruction of the host cell.