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Depends on the climate, ecosystem, and plant.

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It would be more difficult for a plant to live in an arid desert zone due to the lack of water and extreme temperatures. Plants in these regions have to adapt to conserving water and surviving in harsh conditions with limited resources.

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Q: What zone would it be more difficult for a plant to live in?
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How long does a schefflera plant live.?

A schefflera plant can live for several years, typically around 10-20 years with proper care. However, some well-maintained schefflera plants have been known to live even longer, up to 30 years or more. Factors like watering, light, and temperature conditions can affect the plant's lifespan.

Why would it be much more difficult to construct a karyotype of unstained chromosomes?

It would be more difficult to construct a karyotype of unstained chromosomes because without stains, the chromosomes lack visible patterns or distinguishing features that are typically used to identify and organize them. Staining helps highlight the bands and patterns on the chromosomes, making it easier to match and pair them together for karyotyping purposes.

Which of the following scientists would more likely be concerned with the rate of photosynthesis in leaves?

A plant biologist or a botanist would be more likely to be concerned with the rate of photosynthesis in leaves, as they study plant processes and functions like photosynthesis.

Predict what would happen if a saltwater plant were placed in a freshwater aquarium?

If a saltwater plant were placed in a freshwater aquarium, it would likely not survive due to the differences in salinity levels. Saltwater plants are adapted to living in environments with higher salt concentrations, and placing them in freshwater would disrupt their osmotic balance and lead to dehydration and eventual death.

What would happen to humanity if antibiotics were not invented?

Without antibiotics, bacterial infections could become more challenging to treat, leading to higher mortality rates for common infections. Surgery and cancer treatments may also be riskier due to the increased risk of infection. Overall, public health would likely suffer without the ability to effectively combat bacterial diseases.

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Plant eating was more difficult because back in the time of the dinosaurs, plants were usually tough and thick and hard to chew through.

What Indians lived in Wampums?

"Wampum" is not a word for a dwelling, it more or less translates as "beads" or "money". It would be difficult to live in it.

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What kind of plant live in the woodland?

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Why was plant eating more difficult for dinosaurs than meat eating?

Plant cells contain cell walls, which make it more difficult for them to be digested than animal cells. This is why herbivorous animals, including dinosaurs, have longer, more complex digestive systems than carnivores.

How long does the century plant live?

more than 100years

Is difficultest a word?

No, "difficultest" is not a standard English word. The correct comparative form of "difficult" is "more difficult."

Why would it be more difficult for an ancient farmer to settle in upper Egypt instead of lower Egypt?

It could be more difficult to live in Upper Egypt that in Lower Egypt because the farther south you got into the country the more desert like it became and the farmer would live farther from civilization, making it harder to ship goods to the main cities where the markets were located. The food would spoil and rot before it could be sold making the farmer's profits negative.

What type of plant live more than two growing seasons?

Perennials are the plants that live for more than two growing seasons.

What would happen if all cells in a plant had chlorophyll?

The plant would look much greener, and would undergo photosynthesis more.

If you live in a town with coal power would you have more blackouts then someone who live in a town with nuclear power?

If the town is solely supplied from one power plant, with no connection to the national grid, then probably the coal plant would be more reliable. Nuclear plants because they have complicated safety shutdown systems sometimes shutdown spuriously and without any prior warning. However that is not a real situation, any town will have a connection to the grid so failure of any one plant would enable power to be drawn from elsewhere.

Outdoor Tree?

form_title= Outdoor Tree form_header= Add more to your outdoor space with an outdoor tree. What type of tree would you like to plant?*= _ [50] How many trees would foul like to plant?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} What type of climate do you live in?*= _ [50]