My right side of my head all the way down to my feet hurt. Why is this happening?
Possible causes of left arm pain include muscle strain, overuse, injury, or underlying medical conditions like inflammation, nerve compression, or heart issues like a heart attack. It's important to seek medical evaluation if the pain is severe, prolonged, or accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain or difficulty breathing.
In a crossed extensor reflex, if the right arm were grabbed, it would flex due to the withdrawal reflex, while the left arm would extend to help with balance and support. This reflex is coordinated by the spinal cord without involvement of the brain.
The scientific name for the upper left arm is brachium.
The left arm is connected to the heart.
The flow of blood to the left arm is the same as to the right arm. The heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta, which branches out into the subclavian artery that supplies blood to both arms. Blood then circulates through smaller arteries, capillaries, and veins in the left arm, delivering oxygen and nutrients while removing waste products.
Yes, the left arm is connected to the heart through a network of blood vessels called arteries and veins. The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood through the arteries to the left arm, providing it with the necessary nutrients and oxygen for proper function.
There are many things that can make your left arm hurt. A heart attack can cause this, as well as something as simple as a pulled muscle or a bruised muscle.
A single red blister on your left arm that does not hurt could be nothing. It just be where you rubbed against something.
Alberto del Rio and a band of thugs
I don't know but you should definitely see your Doctor about it
YES,,,,, But i think it will hurt and leave an itchy make on your arm LOL
That would be tattoos on the arm opposite to the right....
Tom Robinson's left arm is useless. It was caught in a cotton gin when he was 12 years old and part of the arm was ripped off.
becaus it might be a broken limb You might have slept on it badly. Try stretching the arm out slowly.
It could be a rotator cuff injury. Does it hurt when you lift your arm above your head? you should go see a physiotherapist.
The child fell down from the ladder and got hurt badly.
waht can cause my left arm to cramp and numbness in my left fingertips
if you write with your left hand you put your left leg out and your left arm up move toward the carpet.if you are right handed you put your right arm up and your rright leg out and move toward the carpet or floor but if it is your first time i would try on a king size bed so if you mess up you wont get hurt.