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No because the brain acts like the nucleus of a cell. Without it our body wouldn't function properly and it would be like if we were in a come

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13y ago
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8mo ago

Life without a brain would not be possible, as the brain controls all bodily functions, thoughts, and emotions. Without a brain, a person would not be able to think, feel, or make decisions, and would cease to exist.

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15y ago

The brain controls our body and tells it what to do. If we didn't have it, we would die.

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11y ago

The brain controls everything. Without the brain you would not be able to see, breathe, talk, walk, smell,or think.

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13y ago

u would not be alive

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Q: What would life be without a brain?
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Is it possible to survive without a brain?

No, it is not possible to survive without a brain. The brain is the central organ responsible for controlling bodily functions and cognitive processes essential for life. Without a brain, vital functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and consciousness would not be possible.

Why you have brain?

Without a brain you would be "Dead in The Head," you would not be able to move talk do anything. Your brain is the central nervous system and is ad you can say the boss of everything.

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The brain is often considered the most important organ of the body. It controls all bodily functions, including thoughts, movements, and emotions. Without the brain, the body would not be able to function properly.

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How can a brain help us?

The brain is the organ which thinks. Without it we would have no intelligence.

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No, your muscular system includes organs like the heart, lungs, and even your brain. Without these vital organs your life would not be as complex as it is now. You would be a pile of bones and skin.

Why do you value the brain?

The brain is a big part of your body. Without it, you would not be able to do anything. The brain tells your body what to do.

What would happen if you didn't have an brain?

Since it controls vital functions such as breathing, swallowing, digestion, eye movement and heartbeat, there can be no life without it. But the rest of the brain is obviously capable of some remarkable feats, with one part able to compensate for deficiencies in another.

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life without ukulele would be dissapointing

What will happen if you don't have brain?

There are some rare cases of kids/babies being born more or less without a brain. It depends what part of the brain being missing whether the "organism" can support life or not. Most of the life-functions are supported by the brain stem, hence the brain as we think of it is not really needed. If the brain stem has developed mostly normal then you would possibly be able to sustain life if somebody constantly take care of absolutely all your needs. Your life would be not much at all. Laying in a bed most likely. Not being able to recognise the world around you. Being in a general vegetative state of mind.. Hmm. rather no mind to think about anything. Most babies born without a brain can not sustain life outside the womb and will simply die as soon as they are born.

What would happen without a brain?

Without a brain, a person would not be able to function as the brain is responsible for controlling all bodily functions and processes. This would result in an inability to think, move, communicate, or perform any basic tasks necessary for survival. An individual without a brain would not be able to maintain homeostasis and would not be able to survive for an extended period of time.

What is better brain or beauty?

The brain without it you wouldn't really have beauty you would be mentally impared