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it grow. and faster than soil.

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3w ago

If mongo seeds are planted in tissue paper, they are unlikely to germinate and grow successfully. Tissue paper does not provide the necessary nutrients, support, or moisture retention for seeds to sprout and develop into healthy plants. It is best to plant mongo seeds in a suitable potting mix or soil that can provide the optimal conditions for germination and growth.

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Q: What will happen in mongo seeds planted in tissue paper?
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Tissue Paper is a lightweight paper or, light crepe paper. Tissue Can be made both from virgin and recycled paper.

Can tissue paper be transparent?

Yes, tissue paper can be transparent. The transparency of tissue paper can vary depending on its thickness and quality. Thinner tissue paper is more likely to be transparent than thicker tissue paper.

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To grow mongo seeds in aluminum foil, start by placing moist paper towels inside the foil. Sprinkle the mongo seeds on top of the paper towels and cover them with another moist paper towel. Ensure the towels remain damp, and place the foil in a warm spot with indirect sunlight. The seeds should start to germinate within a few days.

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Hygienic tissue paper is commonly for personal use as facial tissue (paper handkerchiefs), napkins, bathroom tissue and household towels.

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