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either "gigantism" where the boy/girl shoots up in height proportionally;

or "acromegaly" where only the extremities grow longer, e.g. the hands/feet/face but not the rest of the body and the growth of the body is disproportionate.

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3mo ago

Over secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland can lead to various disorders, such as gigantism, acromegaly, or Cushing's syndrome. These conditions can cause abnormal growth, changes in physical appearance, and other health complications. Treatment may involve medications, surgery, or other interventions to regulate hormone levels.

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Q: What will happen if the pituitary gland over secretes hormone?
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What does the pituitary gland secrete?

The pituitary gland secretes various hormones that regulate growth, metabolism, stress response, reproduction, and other bodily functions. These include hormones such as growth hormone, prolactin, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

How many hormones does the pituitary gland secrete?

The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones, which can be divided into two categories: anterior pituitary hormones (such as growth hormone, prolactin, and ACTH) and posterior pituitary hormones (such as oxytocin and vasopressin).

What gland secretes hormones into the bloodstream to affect the sex organs?

The pituitary gland secretes hormones into the bloodstream to affect the sex organs. It releases the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that regulate the functioning of the testes and ovaries.

What is the name of the endocrine gland that secretes ACTH?

Adrenal Medulla is not the correct answer. The actual target of ACTH is the Adrenal Cortex, hence the name Adrenocorticotropic Hormone. Please feel free to test my answer, but I believe that is more specific than suggesting the Medulla itself.

The posterior pituitary gland secretes?

The posterior pituitary gland secretes the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. These hormones are produced in the hypothalamus and transported to the posterior pituitary gland for release into the bloodstream when needed. Oxytocin plays a role in childbirth and breastfeeding, while vasopressin helps regulate water balance in the body.

Related questions

What does the pituitary secretes?

The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes growth hormone and lutenizing hormone.

What gland secretes luteinizing hormone?

The pituitary.

What does the pituitary gland secrete?

The pituitary gland secretes various hormones that regulate growth, metabolism, stress response, reproduction, and other bodily functions. These include hormones such as growth hormone, prolactin, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

Which endocrine gland secretes a hormone that regulates ion levels in neurons?

Pituitary Gland

Which organ secretes Luteinising hormone?

Leutenising hormone is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland.

What gland secretes antidiuretic hormone?

The posterior pituitary gland secretes antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin. ADH plays a key role in regulating water balance in the body by controlling the reabsorption of water by the kidneys.

What gland secretes prolactin?

Oxytocin, also knwon as the "cuddle hormone" is produced in hypothalamic neurons.

How many hormones does the pituitary gland secrete?

The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones, which can be divided into two categories: anterior pituitary hormones (such as growth hormone, prolactin, and ACTH) and posterior pituitary hormones (such as oxytocin and vasopressin).

What fuctions are regulated by the pituitary gland?

Your pituitary is the master hormone gland which controls too many vital functions of your body apart. It secretes the growth hormone also.

What gland secretes hormones into the bloodstream to affect the sex organs?

The pituitary gland secretes hormones into the bloodstream to affect the sex organs. It releases the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that regulate the functioning of the testes and ovaries.

What organ secretes follicle stimulating hormone?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a glycoprotein gonadotropin secreted by the anterior pituitary in response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is released by the hypothalamus.

Which is the Gland that regulates growth of skeleton?

The anterior pituitary gland secretes growth hormone which promotes development of the skeleton.