The lumbar vertebrae in the lower back is typically five in number and unfused.
The spine is composed of seven unfused vertebrae in the neck region known as the cervical spine.
They are called vertebrae.
You have 7 unfused cervical vertebrae. You have 12 unfused thoracic vertebrae. You have 5 unfused lumber vertebrae. The five vetebrae are fused in case of the sacrum. That is the need of the hour. You can not support the hip bones with out that fusion. Then there are few fused vertebrae in coccyx.
The five categories of vertebrae in the vertebral column are cervical (7 vertebrae in the neck), thoracic (12 vertebrae in the chest region), lumbar (5 vertebrae in the lower back), sacral (5 fused vertebrae forming the sacrum), and coccygeal (4 fused vertebrae forming the coccyx or tailbone).
There are 24 movable vertebrae in the spine--7 cervical vertebrae in the neck, 12 thoracic vertebrae in the mid-back, and 5 lumbar vertebrae in the lower back.
The spine is composed of seven unfused vertebrae in the neck region known as the cervical spine.
They are called vertebrae.
The largest unfused vertebrae is your Lumbar, located in your lower back.
You have 7 unfused cervical vertebrae. You have 12 unfused thoracic vertebrae. You have 5 unfused lumber vertebrae. The five vetebrae are fused in case of the sacrum. That is the need of the hour. You can not support the hip bones with out that fusion. Then there are few fused vertebrae in coccyx.
cervical vertebra
There are 33 vertebrae in the spinal cord of a human being. They are broadly categorized into 5 areas. They are called the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum & coccyx vertebra. The upper 3 areas have a total of 24 vertebrae, which includes 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae & 5 lumbar vertebrae. Sometimes the lumbar region, may have an additional vertebra, it does happen - but it is rare. 5 vertebrae are fused together to form the sacrum & 3 vertebrae form the end of the spinal column which is the coccyx.
Five lumbar vertebrae.
Five. Usually there are five lumbar vertebrae, but some people are born with six.
The five categories of vertebrae in the vertebral column are cervical (7 vertebrae in the neck), thoracic (12 vertebrae in the chest region), lumbar (5 vertebrae in the lower back), sacral (5 fused vertebrae forming the sacrum), and coccygeal (4 fused vertebrae forming the coccyx or tailbone).
There are 24 movable vertebrae in the spine--7 cervical vertebrae in the neck, 12 thoracic vertebrae in the mid-back, and 5 lumbar vertebrae in the lower back.
Spina bifida means that one has a split spine. It is a developmental congenital disorder where some vertebrae overlying the spinal cord are not fully formed and remain unfused and open.
There are typically five lumbar vertebrae.