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The variable present in monggo seeds is the genetic material or DNA that determines the characteristics and traits of the plant. This DNA contains the instructions for growth, development, and reproduction of the plant, including traits such as seed size, color, and germination characteristics.

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Q: What variable is present in monggo seeds?
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What happens to monggo seeds after 5 days?

After 5 days, monggo seeds will typically begin to sprout small roots and shoots as they germinate. These roots and shoots will grow longer and stronger over time as the seedling continues to develop. Proper care and attention, such as providing adequate moisture and sunlight, will help the seedling grow into a healthy plant.

How many cotyledons in a monggo seed?

A mung bean seed typically has two cotyledons. These cotyledons contain stored nutrients that the seedling uses for energy until it can photosynthesize on its own.

How does independent variable effect the radish germination?

The independent variable in an experiment could be factors such as light, temperature, or water levels. By manipulating the independent variable, such as changing the amount of light or water given to the radish seeds, you can observe how it affects their germination rate. Each independent variable can have a different effect on radish germination.

What types of plants produces seeds inside of a protective cone?

Conifers, such as pine, spruce, and fir trees, produce seeds inside protective cones. These cones serve as a structure for housing the seeds and protecting them until they are ready for dispersal.

What is the purpose of the control group?

The purpose of a control group is to show what would happen under normal conditions. It serves as a comparison to the results you receive from the manipulation of the independent variable on the dependent variable. If a control group is present in an experiment, one can be more certain that the independent variable is really responsible for the observations.

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How do make investigatory project about monggo seeds?

Monggo sedds as alternative source of Monggos

What is the best bean for growing?

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Is monggo seed a solute or not?

Monggo seeds are not considered a solute. In a solution, the solute is the substance that is dissolved in the solvent. Since monggo seeds are a whole form of a plant seed and not dissolved in any solvent, they are not a solute in the traditional sense.

Does monggo seeds grow in tissue paper?


What vitamins do monggo seeds have?

kacang hijau or katjang idju

Why cotton and tissue use in growing seeds of monggo?

because monggo can be planted anywhere but just remember to water it and expose it to sunlight

Where do monggo seeds belong in the 3 basic food groups?


What is the characteristic of monggo seed?

Monggo seeds are small, oval-shaped, and typically brown or green in color. They have a slightly flattened appearance with a smooth texture. Monggo seeds are commonly used in cooking and are known for their nutritional content, including being a good source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

Science experiments about growing monggo seeds.?

Investigate the effect of different light conditions (natural sunlight vs artificial light) on the growth of monggo seeds. Explore the impact of various watering frequencies (daily, every other day, weekly) on the growth and development of monggo plants. Study the influence of different soil types (potting soil, sand, vermiculite) on the growth rate and overall health of monggo seeds.

How do you make polvoron from monggo seed?

To make polvoron from monggo seeds, start by toasting the monggo seeds until they are fragrant. Grind the toasted seeds into a fine powder and mix it with powdered milk, sugar, and melted butter. Press the mixture into molds to shape the polvoron before wrapping them in colorful cellophane.

Will monggo seeds grow in a wet cotton?

yes,.because it absorb the water from the cotton

What is life cycle of monggo seeds?

It must be ate and pooped out. then it uses the nutrients from the poop to grow.