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During endochondral ossification, the hyaline cartilage model in the embryo is gradually replaced by bone tissue. Osteoblasts deposit bone matrix around the cartilage model, which is then mineralized and eventually becomes mature bone tissue.

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Q: What type of tissue is replaced in the embryo during endochondral ossification?
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What is the skeleton of an embryo originally made of?

The skeleton of an embryo is originally made of cartilage, a flexible tissue that later undergoes ossification to become bone. During development, the cartilage is replaced by bone in a process known as endochondral ossification.

What is skeleton originally made of in an embryo?

In an embryo, the skeleton is originally made of cartilage. This cartilage gradually mineralizes and ossifies into bone in a process called endochondral ossification.

What is the skeleton of an embryo mainly composed of?

Well bones in an embryo aren't really there yet until the embryo becomes multi cellular and more of a child. Even when the embryo becomes more complex the bones are still just cartilage the same material that makes up your nose. Over time a bone cell called osteoblast applies both calcium and phosphate thus the bones become more dense hope i answered your question

Ossification begins in the eighth month of human embryo development?

Ossification, the process of bone formation, starts around the eighth week of embryonic development in humans, not the eighth month. By the end of the eighth month, most bones are already formed in the fetus, but they continue to grow and mature after birth.

This is the place where an embryo grows inside a women?

The uterus is the organ in a woman's body where an embryo grows during pregnancy. It provides a safe and nourishing environment for the embryo to develop into a fetus. Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy support the growth and development of the embryo in the uterus.

Related questions

What is the skeleton of an embryo originally made of?

The skeleton of an embryo is originally made of cartilage, a flexible tissue that later undergoes ossification to become bone. During development, the cartilage is replaced by bone in a process known as endochondral ossification.

What is skeleton originally made of in an embryo?

In an embryo, the skeleton is originally made of cartilage. This cartilage gradually mineralizes and ossifies into bone in a process called endochondral ossification.

What are most developmental bones made of in the embryo?

Most developmental bones in the embryo are made of cartilage, which later ossifies (hardens) to form bone. This process is known as endochondral ossification.

When does ossification begin in a developing fetus?

In the seventh week of the embryo's development

What is the skeleton of an embryo mainly composed of?

Well bones in an embryo aren't really there yet until the embryo becomes multi cellular and more of a child. Even when the embryo becomes more complex the bones are still just cartilage the same material that makes up your nose. Over time a bone cell called osteoblast applies both calcium and phosphate thus the bones become more dense hope i answered your question

Ossification begins in the eighth month of human embryo development?

Ossification, the process of bone formation, starts around the eighth week of embryonic development in humans, not the eighth month. By the end of the eighth month, most bones are already formed in the fetus, but they continue to grow and mature after birth.

What develops along the back of the embryo during the development of a chordate embryo?

the thing that helps you live

What period during embryo is alive but not growing is called?

The period during embryo development when the embryo is alive but not actively growing is called the embryonic diapause. This is a state of suspended animation that allows the embryo to delay development until environmental conditions are more favorable for survival.

This is the place where an embryo grows inside a women?

The uterus is the organ in a woman's body where an embryo grows during pregnancy. It provides a safe and nourishing environment for the embryo to develop into a fetus. Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy support the growth and development of the embryo in the uterus.

An embryo during the late stages of development-?

During the late stages of development, an embryo undergoes rapid growth and further organ formation. At this stage, the major organ systems are well formed, and the embryo is starting to resemble a human fetus. Specialization of tissues and organs continues as the embryo prepares for further growth and development.

Time during which an embryo develops in the uterus is called?

The time during which an embryo develops in the uterus is called gestation. It typically lasts around 40 weeks in humans and is divided into three trimesters. During this time, the embryo develops into a fetus.

During development an embryo is embedded in the?

During development, an embryo is embedded in the endometrial lining of the uterus. This lining provides nutrients and support for the growing embryo as it continues to develop into a fetus. The process of implantation is crucial for successful pregnancy to occur.