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From gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy and if you want it until it drops onto the ground , (continue from kinetic energy) heat energy + sound energy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

gravity it is!

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Q: What energy is a falling apple in a tree?
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What form of energy would be found in an apple falling from a tree?

The energy in an apple falling from a tree would mainly be in the form of gravitational potential energy, which is the energy stored in an object due to its position above the ground. As the apple falls, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, the energy of motion.

Which of the following is not an example of energy transmission by waves A. Sound B. Ripples on a pond C. An apple falling from a tree D. Light?

C. An apple falling from a tree is not an example of energy transmission by waves. Sound, ripples on a pond, and light all involve the transmission of energy through wave motion.

What is the difference between an apple falling from a tree and a falling from a tree?

An apple falling from a tree is a specific instance of an object falling, while β€œa falling” from a tree is a grammatically incorrect phrase. It seems there might be a typo or error in the second part of your question.

Who did the study of physics begin with?

An apple falling from a tree.

What happens to an apples kinetic and patential energy falling from a tree?

As the apple falls, its potential energy decreases while its kinetic energy increases, until it lands, at which point it has maximum potential energy.

What scientist is associated with an apple falling from a tree?

Issac Newton as he discovered gravity with apples falling from a tree.

An apple falling down from tree show which uniform or non uniform motion?

The motion of an apple falling from a tree is an example of non-uniform motion. This is because the speed of the apple changes as it falls due to the acceleration of gravity acting on it.

What form of potential energy would be found in an apple on the branch of a tree explain?

The potential energy in an apple on the branch of a tree is gravitational potential energy. This potential energy is due to the apple's position in the Earth's gravitational field. As the apple is lifted higher on the tree, its gravitational potential energy increases.

What forms of potential energy would be found in an apple in a tree?

In an apple in a tree, potential energy forms include gravitational potential energy due to the apple's height above the ground, and elastic potential energy from the apple's position relative to the tree branch it's attached to.

What are the examples of law of gravitation?

The planets orbiting, an apple falling from a tree.

What scientist was inspired by an apple falling of a tree?

Isaac Newton was the scientist who was inspired by an apple falling from a tree. This event reportedly led him to develop his theory of universal gravitation.

Identify evidence from scientists for pull of gravity on Earth?

An apple falling from a tree. A welly falling from someones foot