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Contractile vacuole

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 7mo ago

Contractile vacuoles control the water balance in protists by actively pumping out excess water to prevent them from bursting due to osmotic pressure. These vacuoles accumulate water through specialized channels and release it to the outside through an opening in the cell membrane.

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Q: What structure controls the water balance in protists?
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Contractile vacuole helps to prevent lysis in many single-celled protists by regulating the water content within the cell. It accumulates excess water and then expels it from the cell, helping to maintain the cell's osmotic balance in a fresh water environment.

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All protists use contractile vacuoles for the process of excretion. These organelles help regulate water balance by expelling excess water and waste products from the cell.

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Protists maintain water balance through osmoregulation, which involves controlling the movement of water and ions across their cell membranes. They use contractile vacuoles to regulate water content by expelling excess water that enters the cell through osmosis. Additionally, some protists have adapted to specific environments by evolving structures or behaviors that help them avoid dehydration or over-hydration.

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Where protists live?

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