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Stomata open to let the leaves take in CO2 during process of photosynthesis, and allow oxygen to escape. They also allow water to escape, thus aiding sap transport.

Some desert plants close their stomata during the heat of the day, and only open them at night. The CO2 they absorb during the night, they then store up, and allow photosynthesis to take place during the daylight. This is called C4 photosynthesis.

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12y ago
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3mo ago

Stomata are small pores on the surface of leaves that allow for the exchange of gases, such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, during photosynthesis. They open to allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf for photosynthesis and release oxygen as a byproduct. Stomata also play a role in regulating water loss through transpiration.

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9y ago

Stomata is the place on a leaf where air is exchanged. Stomata consist of two specialized cells, called guard cells, that surround a tiny pore called a stoma. The word stomata means "mouth" in Greek because they allow communication between the internal and external environments of the plant. Their main function is to allow gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor and oxygen to move rapidly into and out of the leaf.

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12y ago

Stomata are tiny pores on the leaves of plants which allow CO2 in and water and Oxygen (a byproduct of photosynthesis) out. Water leaves the plant as vapor. Certain plants such as cacti only open their stomata at night, to reduce the amount of water lost.

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15y ago

The stomata allow carbon dioxide into the leaf, as well as letting oxygen and out by products of photosynthesis out. This allows photosynthesis to occur, as CO2 is needed in the reaction

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12y ago

Type your answer allows water to leave the plant through it when it opens. this cools down the plant or

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13y ago

They assist the plant in gaseous exchange, and take in carbon dioxide so that photosynthesis can occur.

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8y ago

The stomata are the holes in leaves where the plants breathe. They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

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Exits the stomata and is a by product by photosynthesis?

The product of the process called photosynthesis is Oxygen, and it goes out the vegetable cell through the stomata, which are minuscule openings of the cell that also have the job of letting the CO2 get inside to start the photosynthetic process.

What is the roll of stomata in photosynthesis?

The stomata are areas on the underside of a leaf from which oxygen from photosynthesis exits, and carbon dioxide enters for photosynthesis.

Which product of photosynthesis is released out of the plant through the stomata?

Oxygen is released out of the plant through stomata as a product of photosynthesis.

How does the number of stomata affect photosynthesis and transpiration?

More stomata generally lead to increased photosynthesis due to greater intake of carbon dioxide. However, more stomata also result in higher transpiration rates as water is lost through the stomata. Therefore, there is a balance in the number of stomata to optimize both photosynthesis and water conservation for the plant.

What enters through stomata in leaves?

Carbon dioxide enters through stomata in leaves, which is needed for photosynthesis. Oxygen and water vapor also exit through the stomata as byproducts of the photosynthesis process.

What enters through stomata in photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide enters through stomata in photosynthesis. This gas is essential for the plant to produce glucose through the process of photosynthesis.

What are the implications of stomata closure for photosynthesis?

There are none.

Which gas leaves stomata in photosynthesis?


How does a plant get its gas needs for photosynthesis?

the stomata open

What gas needed for photosynthesis enters through stomata of the cactus stem?

Carbon dioxide is the gas needed for photosynthesis that enters through the stomata of the cactus stem.

What is the small opening under a leaf called?


What is a sentence for the word stomata?

The stomata on the underside of the leaf allow for gas exchange during photosynthesis.